Is this OK?

Hi there! I saw another question posted today that made me start thinking about my Starbucks Fetish!! I'm almost 5 months post op Lap RNY & for the past month I've had a Grande Non-fat Mocha w/Caramel syrup (no whip) every day...Do you think this is okay? I guess mainly I'm wondering if this is going to hurt me in the long run? Does anyone else drink Starbucks often? Thanks!!!    — Binxalways (posted on September 23, 2002)

September 23, 2002
I do go to Starbucks quite frequently, but I am a "double-tall nonfat latte with whipped cream" kinda gal. I don't put any sugar in mine (other than the little bit in the whipped cream) and am pleased to be getting some milk (read protein) in with my "treat." I would say look at your total calories. If you can "afford" it and are getting in plenty of good food, why not? I, unfortunately, eat too many calories to "afford" that in my maintenance diet every day. But if I ate lowfat stuff instead of regular, I might be able to. It's probably just a phase and next month you might crave peanut butter or kiwis (my current craze). I'd love to try the mocha coconut frappuccino, but one LOOK at it gives me the shakes! *sigh* Guess I'll stick with my old faithful! =)
   — ctyst

September 23, 2002
Wow,I have been wondering the same thing, I can't stand the taste of coffee, and I have been drinking tea, hot and cold (no sugar) but I was woncering about the latte/ fat free cappichino stuff, I am going to have to try it now...valita post-op -131 pounds and 75 inches in almost 7 months
   — bikerchic

September 23, 2002
FYI....But what if your favorite morning beverage is a Starbucks caffe mocha with whipped cream? If you choose the advertisement nonfat-milk version, you get 260 calories and 12 grams of fat; go for the whole-milk drink and you have a whopping 340 calories and 21 grams of fat. Do this every workday, and in a month you've drunk enough calories to put two pounds on your hips. Makes you want to order espresso instead, doesn't it? Espresso will only add 21 calories and 0.4 grams fat per cup to your daily total.
   — Robert L.

September 23, 2002
Elizabeth, In my opinion,yes, this could undermine your weight loss. Milk products have lactose(sugar), the mocha syrup and caramel both have sugar. Sugar can add up very quickly to a lot of calories. I do go to Starbucks, but I stick to the coffee of the day. It's not that I don't WANT something else (with caramel) I just try to make a better choice.
   — Pamela B.

September 23, 2002
When I go to Starbucks, I generally order a Grande, Triple, Non-Fat, EASY Vanilla Latte - it's wonderful and I feel no guilt whatsoever!
   — Rosario T.

September 23, 2002
I am a coffee FREAK, so I give up a lot, but not my one BIG cup a day. Ive lost 120 lbs in 8 months so I guess its ok, plus I get a lot of my protein from milk, which agrees with me fine. But, alas, I cant afford the Starbucks everyday, so I bought an espresso maker fom Walmart for 6 bucks and I make my own espresso and add warmed up skim milk (Skim Milk Plus is enhanced milk and had 11g of protein per cup!) I use a spoon of splenda, my skim milk and add enough espresso to make it perfect and yummmmm. I also do this cold and it is also yumm-o. My surgeon says at this point in my journey, and since I have lost 75% of my excess weight, I can have coffee if I want. Im so glad, too, because it is a treat to me, and sometimes when I really dont feel like eating much, I know I am geting in SOME protein with the skim milk! 2 cups=22 g protein, and only 200 cals. Im good with that! P.S. I dont do water well either, so Im getting the liquid too, even though it doesnt count 100% because of the caffeine, I know, I know!
   — donnalawbabe

September 23, 2002
the Starbucks website is predictably silent on calories and nutrtional information.... I don't know if its ok or not, its really up to you.. for me, I'm trying to keep some count of what goes into my mouth.. particularly the carbs (sugar) ... I'd say like others have.. the caramel and mocha have plenty of sugar.. and probably fat too, even if you have skim milk in it... BUT if you're close to goal.. it might not matter much... good luck.
   — Lisa C.

September 23, 2002
Starbucks is great stuff; however, I don't have it every day, and I get decaf. And I skip the syrup - just too much sugar for me, and after 1 year, I still dump on sugar. I just want to remind you that for every ounce of regular coffee you drink, you should supplement your water intake by two ounces of water. Caffeine can dehydrate you.... Just a thought.
   — Marjorie B.

September 23, 2002
Hi I just started working for starbucks, and I was very suprised on the amount of sugar in there beverages. I stick with the tazo pardise tea (caffine free) over ice it's great. I use equal to sweeten it. I personally dont think once a week is gona kill you, but I would really limit it.
   — kelly7275

September 23, 2002
I used to be a manager for Starbucks. Get a non-fat (skim milk) latte with a decaf shot of espresso if you like. If you want flavoring, they carry sugar free syrups...usually in vanilla, hazelnut and rasberry. Or try some of the hot tea...or ice tea.
   — Paula Prichard

September 24, 2002
Nonfat is not non sugar. There is quite a bit of sugar in the item you describe and it will get to you eventually. At Satbucks I order a tall iced decaf latte with skim milk and sugar free syrup... or what my Stabucks guy calls a tall iced Why Bother. hugs, Ann RNY9/10/99 260/130
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 24, 2002
I don't usually dump when I eat products with sugar in them, however, the one time I had a major dump, was when I decided at about 4-5 months post-op to try a Starbucks, white chocolate mocha coffee. 4 gulps later, and boy was it good, I was overcome with a major shakes, nauseau, stomach cramping episode. Now I do a plain decaf coffee at Starbucks-boring, but I couldn't figure out what else I could have there-thanks for informing us of the SF syrups!!
   — Cindy R.

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