Not a question, just advice

I read that some of us are having trouble trying to figure out what kind of exercise to do or how long. I am 1 year post-op, have lost 130 pound as of today 310 now 180(looks like I weigh 150) The only exercise I have done was walking. Now let me explain: When I first began I was going to the gym 3 times a week, then I would walk about a mile aday (of course gradually) and saw that I lost but not like I should(go figure. Then due to financial difficulty,(out of work) I had to return my car. So for the last six months I had to walk every where. To the store, drug store,child school, to friends houses, catch public transportation to appointment and walks about 10 blocks before I get there. But you know what, I never felt or looked better, I'm not only tone but I notice today that my legs and stomach is lookin so much better, that I might not need a tummy tuck.This is probably the best thing to happen( I really don't miss it)no more bills GOD CLOSE ONE DOOR AND OPENS ANOTHER. Now I'm not saying to turn in your cars, but I am saying Park them. Walk it's much cheaper than a gym, much more healthier and my skin is glowing,I've even gotten to know people on my block who I never spoke to before. Do you know what I'm trying to say, Why spend all that money when , if we follow our doctor's advice, all we have to do is walk briskly, May God bless you all    — Rebe W. (posted on September 26, 2002)

September 26, 2002
My surgeon actually recommended walking above all other forms of exercise. I used to lift weights and did floor exercises/stretches for months without much effect. Got so tired of the same routine but couldn't afford to go to a gym. Got lazy and stopped exercising:( -bingo- along came a horrible plateau. Started walking again and at my surgeon's suggestion added weights to my ankles and wrists. Hopefully this will help break my plateau as it has started to dip downward again. I love the walk and it's something I can do cheaply and at my own pace.
   — LLinderman

September 26, 2002
You can always walk... and I couldn't agree with you more... walking has to be the best exercise ever, the most versatile, and its free. I love walking... good luck!
   — Lisa C.

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