Has anyone regained all of their weight?

Hi everyone: I had lap rny about 5 weeks ago. I have lost about 24-28 pounds, depending on which beginning weight I use. Yesterday I read the October issue of Reader's Digest and the October issue of Woman's Day. They both had WLS articles. After reading so many posts on this website, I have NEVER heard of anyone regaining all of their weight, as it says in these articles. I know that if you get into an improper routine and begin eating poorly, you will regain some weight. But I have never read about anyone gaining it all back after open/lap rny or DS. Did anyone who has had these types of surgeries in the past 5 years regain all of their weight? I am just interested, because I do not believe this is true, and it is being printed just to scare people. After all of behavior modification we undergo with WLS, has anyone regained all of their weight? Thanks, Love Grace    — Grace H. (posted on September 27, 2002)

September 27, 2002
Hi, Grace, I was given that Readers Digest by a "supportive" family member. That article was poorly written, biased, derogitory towards people who are overweight, and I feel that it was sensationalism at it's worst. I was surprised that the Physician in the article let it go to press that way. I was wondering if he had limited understanding of the English Language and thought is was a flattering article. They made the support meetings sound like meetings at underground abortion clinics of the past. Don't listen to junk like that. If you want experience, come to this site, everyone is helpful and supportive.
   — Diana L.

September 27, 2002
Hi, I read the Reader's Digest article today. I am having surgery next week and that article got me down for a brief moment and then I realized I have done my research and this article is distasteful in how it is written and obviously biased. I am going forward with my plans for a better life!
   — Kristi T.

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