After weight loss

Hi Guys: Just a general, kind of fun question. Does anyone have a particular person (or persons) that they would like to see after they lose weight? Thanks    — Grace H. (posted on October 9, 2002)

October 9, 2002
Well as long as this is a "fun" question how about my favorite actress Annette O'Toole! I'd love to do a love scene with her. lol. Forgive me! I could'nt resist this. ;)
   — Danmark

October 9, 2002
I always said that when I lost 50 lbs I would get contacts and after I lost 100 lbs I would get Patrick Swayze... So watch out Patrick, here I come :)
   — Gail M.

October 9, 2002
I would like to see and actually I have lately, the snobs tht used to stick their nose up at me , because I was fat, and now they look at me like OH MY GOD!!! I snub them now,Yeah I know it's not nice, but it makes me feel better! post-op 02-27-02 -138 pounds and 91 inches
   — bikerchic

October 9, 2002
Brad Pitt :-)
   — Rhonda J.

October 9, 2002
Interesting question! I would love to see those people I have been hiding from the last 10 years. My best friend in high school Toni and so on and so forth. I have shyed away from so many people because of love self esteem. On a fun note I would love to meet Drew Barrymore in person. I love her acting and would love to tell her that.
   — Adriane T.

October 9, 2002
I'd like to go back and see my old swim coach who told me I was like a St. Bernard mixed in with a litter of chihuahuas. I'd also like to ask my boyfriend's mother if, after losing the weight, she thinks I'm good enough for her son. Don't worry, I'm not bitter...
   — Toni C.

October 9, 2002
Hi, the person I would like to see most is my son's father. After many years of us losing touch, and me gaining almost two hundred lbs since seeing him, I attended a family (his) birthday party that he was at. I drove a Geo metro, at the time, I call them an egg car lol, and as I was leaving the party, everyone followed us, (my son and I) out to say goodbye. As I drove off he (the jerk) yelled "Hey she's bigger then her car" I was so embarrassed , and the whole crowd 50 or so people laughed. I never went there again. He lives about 70 miles away from me, and I would so love to drive down there and let him see how "big" I am now. One of these days I might hehe.
   — Carey N.

October 9, 2002
I would love to see my high school boyfriend who broke up with me for some other girl, that he is now married to, has four kids, and is now balding(not that there is anything wrong with being bald) He just thought he was all that. I would also like to see my six grade teacher. She treated me like such an outcast, and made fun of me whenever given the chance. I didn't like her too much. Melody DeRose
   — Melody D.

October 9, 2002
Iwould like to run into my ex- he always critisized me about my weight-and I was not fat then. Anyways I guess he is well over 220lbs now-use to barely weigh 140. Just would want to see his reaction-I would not say a word-just strut on by-mean huh?!
   — Jan S.

October 9, 2002
Great question. I ran into my old boyfriend a few weeks ago and he kept going on about how fit and young looking I was. He told me husband that I have not aged in 20 years. If he could only see the wrinkles under the clothes. Oh well. Made me feel great. Oh by the way his wife that can not stand me would not even speak to me you could tell she was steaming.
   — Lisa B.

October 10, 2002
I think the song by John Mayer says it best: "I just can't wait 'til my ten year reunion. I'm gonna bust out of the double doors. And when I stand on these tables before you, you will know what all this time was for." I want to show my high school friends that I have worked for my health, and I'm proud of myself. I also want to see the people that used to make fun of me so they can see what I've done with myself. :)
   — Jenny S.

October 10, 2002
Hi Guys: I am the original posters of the question. Loved all of your answers. Who says dreams can't come true. Love ya. Grace
   — Grace H.

October 10, 2002
Oh Yeah. I want to run into my ex-boyfriend(s). Sounds silly, but I'd love to see the looks on their faces.
   — Sarah K.

October 10, 2002
My 10 year High School reunion is in June 2003. I am so looking forward to seeing everyone. Actually, I am looking forward to being seen by everyone.
   — Sue J.

October 10, 2002
I want to see people whom I worked with last year in the Concierge Community...they all saw me blow up thanks to all the free dinners, and now I am anxious to have them see me THIN - unfortunately I am not there yet. I did recently attend an event with a bunch of them, and many of them noticed my weight loss, but I can't wait for them to see me gen-uine-ly skinny. I will tell you my favorite fat girl's revenge tale: I was CRAZY over this guy in high school who ended up calling me a "fat cow". Talk about crushing your soul! Anyway, I ran into him years later and luckily I was in one of my few thin periods. Let's just say my fantasies were fulfilled that night, and he was NOT all that! He called me a few times afterwards to try and hook up again, but I was completely NOT interested. I am not saying his soul was crushed (like mine 5 years before) BUT it did feel good to have some power for once around a man. Thanks for letting me share this...I know I should save it for therapy, but your question brought oup a "devil on my shoulder" memory. God bless!
   — rebeccamayhew

October 10, 2002
Funny thing that happened to me. I went to a retirement party for a beloved teacher from high school a few weeks ago. I blew off my 20 year reunion in March becuase I was so heavy (350 pounds at the time). I graduated at about 175 pounds. At the time of the retirement party I was down about 100 pounds putting me at about 250. When I met some of my ex-classmates at the party, they were joking with me about how we all put on a few pounds. I laughed about it and thought to myself "If they only knew..." - Mike
   — Michael N.

October 10, 2002
My very first love - whom is my best friends brother. I see him every year or two and would love to "show-off" since he dumped me over my weight.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 10, 2002
On this Saturday morning, I am flying to Salt Lake City where I will see family / friends who last knew me at 407 lbs. (I'm about half that now.) I wish I could see my old boss who got promotions over me, took credit for my work, made sly comments to other people about my weight and would condescendingly shake his head as I tried to make it up the stairs. I have had fantasies about showing up at my old place of work dressed to "the nines" in a gorgeous business suit. Is this silly? Probably! But I'll let you know how it goes!
   — Terissa R.

October 10, 2002
I went to my 20th reunion this summer, the first I've been to since H.S., it was pretty wierd, but I went with the attitude, "I was short & fat then, I'm short & fat now, but now I don't care what they think." I had a blast, several of the people who were so cruel back then were sincerely apologetic for their thoughtlessness. I would LOVE to go back for the scheduled 25th at a weight they have never seen me at!! Esp. for the few who were still obnoxious this year.
   — Sue C.

October 11, 2002
I know that I don't personally know many people from this site, but so many of you have inspired me rather you know it or not and I would love to meet so many of you :) I love reading of the successes and journeys we are all taking together rather it be pre op or post op. I'd even love to meet the people that were here all the time then post op we never hear from them, I miss hearing their stories, and am curious of their success. And last but certinly not least....MONTEL WILLIAMS (my dream)
   — Lynda T.

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