Does anyone else NEVER dump?

I can eat ANYTHING and nothing seems to bother me. I am still loosing, but only a pound or two a week... which is OK as long as it keeps coming off! Anyway, I can eat sweets, fried foods, anything! Is there anyone else who is able to do this? I know, I shouldn't eat this stuff, but I had this surgery to eat "normal"... not ever to "diet" again. I don't "overdo" it, but I do enjoy all foods sometimes. Just wondering if it is normal to not get sick on ANYTHING!    — Kay W. (posted on October 30, 2002)

October 30, 2002
Hi. I also can eat almost anything. Sweets, fried foods, you name it I can eat it. I also have the same mentality as you regarding this surgery. I want to eat normal just not bulk. I must say that I feel guilty when I have a day of eating nothing but junk and skipping my regular routine. The weight is still coming off. I am six months out and losing approx. 1.5 pounds a week now. So far, I am down 65lbs. I have another 60lbs. to lose. I exercise 3 days a week and drink my water daily. I have limited myself to a sweet snack maybe once a week. I have to tell you that I can now only eat approx. two cookies instead of 12. I think by doing this I am eating like most "normal" people are suppose to. I know that my protein has to come first. Please make sure you drink your water. I ended up with a kidney stone because I became too laxed regarding my fluid intake. Don't worry I think there are lots of "us" out there who can eat most anything and not "dump". Now we just can't eat lots of everything. Hope this helps.
   — Jennifer F.

October 30, 2002
I don't dump either. The closest I come is if I eat an excessive amount of sugar (like more than 3 or 4 bites of a dessert or something) I feel a little sick but it passes quickly. Nothing else bothers me, even fatty or fried foods. Like you, I try not to overdo it, but I do eat them and sweets in moderation. I did this so I could have a more normal life, and it may slow down my weight loss, but I had rather have it that way than count every little fat gram and calorie. I am 6 months out and down 76 lbs.
   — sheltie

October 30, 2002
I have never dumped or thrown up and have had key lime pie 3 times in the last 10 months (since surgery) HOWEVER I once gulped down two bowls of MILK and cereal and spendla and had to go to bed - felt sick. I think it was the milk or maybe the sugar in the milk - I don't drink milk anyway and don't intend to. Too many carbs(sugar) for the amount of protein in it - for my food plan. Usually carbs seem to stimulate my appetite.
   — charlene M.

October 30, 2002
I, too, had this surgery to be normal and not to diet again. But with that said, I think we are able to get away with eating junk because the surgery is stil working for us-we are still newbies. Be careful though. I have been lurking at the yahoo OSSG-graduate site, which is all more than 1 year post-ops and it seems as if many of them are having problems maintaining their weight loss when they try to eat the same as they have been eating since the surgery. So, I wonder, and now try to temper my junk food eating. I say still eat it, but learn to temper it and not overdo it. The better eating habits we develop early one, the better we will be able to handle the long term. As for dumping, I rarely do-it seems that the breaded, fried chinese food chicken dishes and any Starbucks fancy coffee are the only things that get me. Stay away from the white chocolate mocha at Starbucks!!
   — Cindy R.

October 30, 2002
Nope I never dump either and was so bummed when I finally discovered it! I mean I've felt "yucky" once or twice when I've had too much sugar, but I wanted big time punishment - ha, I wanted to get sick as a dog if I fell off the wagon, was actually looking forward to that tool, but it didn't happen with me either :( I'm still losing though, slow and steady, am 8 months post op and down -78 lbs. The past month I've been working really hard trying to stick to atkins type diet of high protein and very low carbs and I really do feel much better and more in control. I'm so scared of losing control with carbs again and gaining weight back. At the same time, I can't eat nearly as much as before either, thank goodness. In fact the other nite I fell off the wagon and ate 3 cookies and 2 small snicker snack bars and then 1/2 pop tart, this was within like an hour - yikes and I felt awful, my tummy was hurting and rumbling and gurgling like it hadn't in a long time. And I was thinking to myself that it felt like I ate so much junk but really compared to what I used to consume on a binge it was nothing and the next day I was right back on track w/o my carbs. The binge had reinforced what I already knew I really just can't handle them well at all, just too tempting to want more :)
   — Lisa F.

October 30, 2002
Don't feel bad - I have discovered after 6 weeks that I don't dump either. It just means that I have to be more diligent about making my food choices. Remember, this is a TOOL, not a foolproof way to lose weight. I just make sure I don't eat the cake, but I do take a bite - that usually satisfies my desire. Sounds like you are doing just fine - Keep it up!!
   — Janelle G.

October 30, 2002
I don't dump either and can eat anything. The only food I have a problem with is bread because if I eat bread then I cannot eat much else because it must swell in the pouch. I was really hoping to have a problem with sugar since sugar has always been much more of a problem to me then quanity. It's a slippery slope so be careful.
   — Candace F.

October 30, 2002

   — wemax2

October 31, 2002
Hi Kay. I dont dump either. On anything. I am like you, I had surgery to be and feel "normal". I just dont over do it. I dont count carbs I dont watch fat grams the ONLY thing I do keep my eye on is making sure I am eating protien FIRST and getting as close to 50 grams of it a day as I can. I dont think my "treats" now and then are hurting me any. I am 5 months post op and I have lost 105 pounds. If my loss slows drasticaly I will take a second look at what I am doing but for now this is working for me. Sounds like it is working for you as well. :0)
   — Sassy M.

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