Did anyone watch Dateline NBC last night? Al Roker

I'm very proud of Al, he looks fabulous. (and apparantly feels fabulous). Kudos to Al for going public with his WLS diary, kudos to all who have been as brave as Al Roker. It was an inspiring show to watch this "THIN MAN" with his beautiful children. I am almost 2 months out and can't wait to accomplish what he has as well as the wonderful BEAUTIFUL people on this sight has. Your all looking great, keep it up! Love, Ruby    — Ruby S. (posted on November 13, 2002)

November 13, 2002
I taped it and watched it this am before work. I think it was great. I think he will touch a lot of hearts.
   — Schatzie1

November 13, 2002
I saw the program and was thrilled for him. The interview with his wife was great too - she seemed so supportive! Makes me excited for Dec. 30 to get here (my surgery date).
   — Cari F.

November 13, 2002
I definitely watched it! Al looked great, and his story was so inspiring. Kudos to Al for going public.
   — Terissa R.

November 13, 2002
He is certainly the talk of the WLS boards today! Check out the message board on this site - comments have been flowing all day on this topic. I was very proud of Al too for coming forward and telling his story and I sent him an E-mail today telling him so. He has put a very public face on this life saving surgery and probably will inspire many more to start their journey, just like Carnie Wilson inspired me. He's a courageous guy. I cried a little at certain parts...
   — Cindy R.

November 13, 2002
I watched the show and thought it was great! He should be very proud of himself. My husband even eased into the den to watch with me. I was happy about that. Hubby hasn't talked alot about this surgery, but after the show, he said he understood it more and was glad he watched the show.
   — SandyParker

November 13, 2002
Yes, I also watched Al the Thin Man, it made me excited for my upcoming surgery date 11-21, my children and I watched it together...and it made alot of people that did not understand it to beable to do so...
   — Lorraine S.

November 13, 2002
I have my initial consult set for after the first of the year. So far only 3 people know of my decision. My mom (who had VBG 2 years ago) and my two closest friends (who have always been thin). I told my friends about the show hoping it would help them learn a little more about the procedure. Both friends watch and I spent time discussing the show and my decision with them. The only thing that really freaked them out was the 1 in 200 mortality rate. I told them what I had found out (thanks to this site). I saw him this morning on the Today show and when asked what he would say to people considering hte surgery, his answer was right ont he mark. YOU HAVE TO DO IT FOR YOURSELF! Thanks Al for voicing what a lot of us feel.
   — jmusser

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