What's the thing you cherish most that you can do know that you couldn't before....?

I can get in the tub with the water on both sides of me and not worry about having to stand up to wash up or be uncomfortable... and this moring I was standing in the mirror and i put on panty hose and i saw right between my legs i have a diamond between my legs i can see threw the other side that's great.. I've lost 125lbs so far i started at 357 now down to 232.. in 7 mmonths...    — JAN B. (posted on November 14, 2002)

November 14, 2002
Wonderful weight loss in 7 months. Congrats. You must feel great. There are so many things I cherish now that i couldn't do before, its hard to know where to start. Climbing a flight of stairs without holding on to the rail or getting out of breath is certainly on the list. Looking in the mirror and liking what i see is another. Oh, and don't forget the joy at not having to buy clothes in the "womens" department anymore.
   — Cindy R.

November 14, 2002
Crossing my legs, fitting into booths, (but still worrying beforehand that I won't fit), WEIGHING LESS THAN MY HUSBAND!
   — hayesvj

November 14, 2002
My first thing that i was almost intears about was the fact the my belly didnt the steering wheel.
   — tamitoez

November 14, 2002
Weighing less than my husband, not leaving a big dent in the mattress, not having to shop at "Lame Giants" in the mall, getting full on an appetizer portion (and not paying for a regular full meal!), and not having my legs or feet hurt after long walks.
   — Valerie H.

November 14, 2002
hiya and huge congrats on your "loss"! there are sooo many things now...definetely getting in the tub (and fitting), weighing less than my hubby (who is very thin), buying clothes in jr. sizes - right off the rack, no body pain, walking 5 miles, being able to get off the floor by myself, walking up and down stairs, crossing my legs, cutting my own toenails, seeing certain..uh...body keep up the great work! {{hugs}} kate open rny 6-14-01 pre op: 268lbs goal: 135lbs current: 126lbs
   — jkb

November 14, 2002
Being an active participant in my kids lives instead of watching them grow up from the discomfort of my "cell", which was my morbidly obese body. Running with my kids, riding bikes with my kids, roller blading with my kids...having my son tell me he is "so happy that that doctor fixed your tummy because you are so much more fun now, Mommy"!!! That's what I cherish the most!!! Have a Sparkling Day!!! ~CAE~
   — Mustang

November 14, 2002
Going to the mall and not having to sit down and rest, Crossing my legs, having a friend be able to slide by me while sitting in a stadium seat, better intimacy with my DH,walking across my school campus without huffing and puffing, throwing away the GERD AND HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE MEDS, I could
   — Loretta E.

November 14, 2002
The very best thing about losing 200 lbs.? I realized I have a beautiful smile with big dimples. Before, I was self-conscious about smiling, because my fat cheeks stuck out too much.
   — Terissa R.

November 14, 2002
Shopping in normal stores with my friends and buying pretty clothes....crossing my legs....fitting in theater and airplane seats comfortably....having a "tiny heiny".....down 98 pounds since 2/2002.
   — Kathy J.

November 14, 2002
Being able to use a public restroom without having to press my legs against the toilet, being able to reach into my pocket while sitting and wearing a seatbelt to pull out tissues and not having to wait until I can unbuckle and turn myself sideways to do it. Wearing clothing without X's in the label. Having full view of children and small animals when I walk. Going from being one of the biggest people in any given room to one of the smallest...I could go on and on here. -Kim open RNY 7/17/01 -140
   — KimBo36

November 14, 2002
there are many things i cherish that i can do again. the thing that really sticks out in my mind is being able to go to the fair this year and ride on all the rides with plenty of room to spare! i had the time of my life! :)
   — carrie M.

November 14, 2002
WOW! I love this question! I am only 3 months post-op (Open RNY 8-6-02 now down 63 lbs) and everyday I find little things that I could not do before. While laying on my back in bed I can "just sit up" - I used to have to roll to my side then roll up. I'm a youth group leader and I finally played kick ball with them. I exercise everyday (because I WANT to). Sex is fun again, I can feel bones that I forgot were there! LOL! It's amazing! My family gets giddy with me when I do a "first" in a long time. Crossing my legs, sitting sideways in a booth, not bulging out of a theatre seat........This is a wonderful tool that has let me come out of my shell. Happy losing to all!!
   — Dana B.

November 15, 2002
Being a HAPPILY married woman I probably shouldn't say this but I really enjoy the male attention, someone actually turning their heads to take a second look:) But the most important to me is the "FEELING GOOD", I can do whatever I want to do and fit anywhere I want to I am not embarrassed to be seen by my kids friends or co-workers, and I am genuinely happy:)
   — Lynda T.

November 15, 2002
I can be a Mom to my children. I no longer have to parent from the couch because I'm exhausted by noon. I'm smaller than my husband for the first time since I've known him. I no longer sleep w/ a big hulking mask at night. People now call me "skinny" and "small". A woman I met recently that never knew me MO said I was PETITE! Can you imagine? PETITE!?!?!?! LOL. Something I noticed last night.. my 3 year old twins can wrap their little legs around my middle when I hold them, and I can sit down in my rocker and their legs still fit with me on the seat! Unreal.
   — mom2jtx3

November 15, 2002
For the first time, ever, my husband's wedding band is too big for me. My own was recently sized down to a 6 1/2. I feel so petite, and that's quite a statement for a woman who's tall.
   — cjabates

November 15, 2002
Being able to balance on one foot when I put on my slacks or socks or hose. Being able to "Walk Away the Pounds" video tapes by Leslie Sansone and sweat but keep up with it! Being able to walk a 15 minute mile at work and this may sound strange, my shoulder blades! Love my shoulder blades because I never did see them before. One more thing, fitting into booths at all restaurants and not worrying about it anymore. One thing I can't seem to get over though is my fear of turnstiles. I would like to be in a place with them and walk through them about twenty times with no one looking just to get over my fear.
   — Mylou52

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