Has anyone been on a strict diet of CIB and water for 3 weeks prior to surgery?

I am having a hard time coping with this regime....headaches, lightheadedness, etc. Has anyone else had experience with this pre-op diet and if so, how did you cope with it? Thanks for your help!    — asumamma1 (posted on November 21, 2002)

November 21, 2002
I am sorry but what is CIB?
   — Carol S.

November 21, 2002
Carnation Instant Breakfast
   — John Rushton

November 21, 2002
Your profile says your doctor is requiring you to be on a diet of Slimfast and Carnation Instant Breakfast for 30 days prior to surgery in order to try to make your liver less fatty. I've seen other people post here about being required to go on the Optifast liquid diet prior to surgery, or even on a skim milk only diet, for the same reason. I'm sorry to hear you're being required to do this. There are other surgeons out there who require weight loss prior to surgery, but don't specify these liquid-only diets. Still others don't require weight loss at all prior to surgery. Makes you wonder about the ones who do require it, especially by using products that even the manufacturers don't recommend be used in this manner!
   — Suzy C.

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