No obese family members

Hi Everyone: Be careful kiddies, I have questionitis today. Is there anyone out there who has NO obese family members at all. Down to grandparents, aunts, uncles, parents, kids, and virtually all family members, I am the only obese one. It seems that is very unusual. Anyone else have no obese family members? Grace    — Grace H. (posted on November 26, 2002)

November 26, 2002
I have a similar situation. There is no one in my immediate family or previous generation that is obese. However two generations ago the entire line was obese, my grandfathers sister died of obese complications. My mother has diabetes, which causes her to guard her weight, my maternal grandfather died of a heart attack, my maternal grandmother died of a stroke. I am severely morbidly obese and I appear to be in great health. Obesity is a disease caused by a fat gene. It is in the family line somewhere, otherwise you would be successful in your weight loss. The fact that I do not yet have diabetes, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist in my body, it just hasn't been activated yet. My mother's diabetes didn't surface until she was 50 yrs. old.
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 26, 2002
I too am the only obese person in my family, in fact my mother, dad, sisters (2), and my brother are all very slender. I have always wondered if I was adopted, but my mother promises that I'm not. I have always felt very loved, and never felt like the black sheep. I don't understand why I am the only one overweight, but I am now on the losing side (down 74lbs, since Aug.)I soon will be slender like the rest of my family.
   — Michelle S.

November 26, 2002
Not to me... but then I also have other issues.
   — Karen R.

November 26, 2002
Grace, YES....I am the fat one, or used to be (down 66lbs in 3 mos)..My mom is 5'1 and 110lbs, my sister is 5'9 and 150ish and Dad is 6'2 and 220. None of my grandparents were overweight and no one else. My husband is not either, 6'2 195 and I will tell you my future kids won't either now that they will have a fit & trim Mommy to look up to (when i decide to conceive)
   — heathercross

November 26, 2002
Grace, me too. Not a single one on either side of my family. My sister who is 28 weighs about 90 pounds. Can't explain why me.
   — Amber L.

November 26, 2002
Well for many years I had an aunt that was a little "overweight" maybe 30 lbs. My Mother was one of 7 children so I have a large extended family. Until a couple of years ago I was the only one that was super obese, everyone else struggled with 5 or 10 lbs. My daughter however had her first child and in the last 3 years she ballooned up 100 lbs. I may not be the only one in the family anymore but I sure hate it that my daughter is number 2.
   — Cindy L.

November 26, 2002
Hi Guys: I am the original posters. Thanks so much for your answers. It looks like I am not alone at all. It seemed so unusual to me. My husband is one of 5 children and all are obese, except him. Many of their children are also obese. Thanks again, and good luck in your journey. Love Grace
   — Grace H.

November 26, 2002
Everyone before me, and now my kids are all 50-70# over. I was the only one to go morbid. However, I was the only one who kept dieting more & more strenuously. They all gave up and just parked at chunky
   — vitalady

November 30, 2002
I am also the only obese one in the family. My sister has struggled with weight, but has never nearly as big as me. Plus, she's 5'9" and I'm only 5'0", so she also has the advantage of height. My mom is one of those people who had just "watch what she eats" for a week or so and easily drop 10-15 pounds. My dad was never really heavy, but we found out only a few years before his death that he was a long-term alcoholic. I almost think that his alcoholism may be tied in some way to my carb cravings/addiction. I stopped drinking 20 years ago, and frankly that's when my weight started to really get out of control. Sugar and alcohol are first cousins. But to get back to the original question, I don't remember any family members in the last 2-3 generations who were MO. Best of luck to you, and to all of us!
   — Alice H.

November 30, 2002
Oh boy do I know what you mean! My mom and dad and their brothers and sisters have struggled with 10-20 lbs at the most over the years. My grandfathers on both sides never had a weight problem, in fact my paternal grandfather was one of those types that could eat and eat and never gain a pound ( he was approx 5'11 and weighed about 125-130! ). My grandmothers on both sides of my family were a different story. My maternal grandmother was obese and so were her sisters and all of my paternal grandmother's brothers were obese. I guess you could say it skipped a generation. Now the only ones that are obese in my whole family are my sister and myself. It's very frustrating.
   — Kris T.

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