What are you thankful for this year?

Open rny coming up Dec. 2nd. Smiling as I write that. I'm thankful for a chance at good health again. I'm thankful for a gracious and loving God who hears my prayers. I'm thankful for a supportive and wonderful husband. I'm thankful for our two beloved children. I'm thankful for my church family. I'm thankful for my job as a middle school teacher at a fine school. I'm thankful for all the friendly people on here! Happy Thanksgiving! :> Mary Ann    — Mary Ann B. (posted on November 27, 2002)

November 27, 2002
I am thankful for my dear husband and family who never criticized me for the way I looked and loved me for the way I was and has totally been an amazing support through this whole endeavor. I am thankful for my job, my friends, my home and my freedom. And most of all I am thankful for my faith that enables me to get up and face every new day and know that my fate is sealed no matter which way I turn and that I am forever held in someone elses hands.
   — Sue A.

November 27, 2002
I'm definatly thankful for finding this site with all its warm and wonderfuly supportive people! Thank you to everyone that has been answering my questions and sending me email. I am especially thankful for my husband and my four wonderful boys! My youngest is about to turn 2 on the 30th. I'm thankful for finding out today that my insurance cover WLS! Happy Turkey day! Im ganna be stuffed lord I forgive my brother for he knows not what he does....~Tracy~
   — Tracy L.

November 27, 2002
hi there! happy thanksgiving! :) im thankful for life, the love of my family,my open rny, this site and all the amos family! and thankful that this holiday season,my wasteline will not expand! :) god bless!
   — carrie M.

November 27, 2002
I too am so thankful, for all of the blessings, GOD has sent me. My wonderful husband of 23 years, our two beautiful daughters, and all of my answered prayers. I'm also very thankful for this site, I truley believe God has led me here, to find all of you wonderful people that have been such an inspiration, with all of your help and support. Happy Thanksgiving to all and God Bless you!
   — wizz46

November 27, 2002
I too am so thankful, for all of the blessings, GOD has sent me. My wonderful husband of 23 years, our two beautiful daughters, and all of my answered prayers. I'm also very thankful for this site, I truley believe God has led me here, to find all of you wonderful people that have been such an inspiration, with all of your help and support. Happy Thanksgiving to all and God Bless you!
   — wizz46

November 27, 2002
i am thankful for my hair growing back, i know it sounds vain, but it really bothered me!!!! praise the Lord, it has come back and even looks better than before.. i am also thankful for having a great dr (mcfarland) out of trinity hospital, moline illinois, she gave me back my life with doing the surgrey and i pray every day she will continue to be a blessing to others. happy turkey day everyone :)
   — stacey S.

November 28, 2002
I am thankful for Dr. Marshall's gifted hands and this surgery which has helped me to lose 93 pounds since 7/3/02! I am thankful that I no longer use a CPAP machine to breathe at night, and that I no longer take medications for depression, high blood pressure and acid reflux. I am MOST thankful for my Donald, my ex-husband and my best friend. We went through some very rough times, were married only 1-1/2 years before we got divorced April 2001. He has been my strongest supporter pre-op and post-op and I love him dearly.
   — Anna L.

November 28, 2002
I am thankful for the skillful and steady hands of my bariatric surgeon, Dr. Steven Raper of the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, and his staff. I am thankful for my loving and supportive wife, Geri, who will be undergoing her own WLS at some point next year (I hope that I can be as loving and supportive as she has). I am thankful for our two wonderful kids, David and Rebecca. I am thankful to a wonderful employer who has allowed me to work from home over the last couple of years due to various medical problem. And I am happy for my support families, both the online and live support groups at HUP and my AMOS family here. A Happy and Safe Thanksgiving to all! JR (P.S. To the pre-ops...enjoy stuffing yourself one last time. To the post-ops...remember protein first and get in your fluids *G*)
   — John Rushton

November 28, 2002
First of all, I am Thankful to The Lord for allowing me life and for blessing me with 3 sons and a very Wonderful husband, that also happens to be my confidant, best-friend and lover. Secondly for providing me and my husband with a job to take care of our family, daily norishment and a place to sleep. Thirdly, to KNOW prayer, compassion, love, kindness, forgiveness and peace and to try and instill it in my everyday activities. Fourthly, to be born and raised in a Free Country. To everyone, may you all have a Safe and Blessed Thanksgivng.
   — sweet

November 28, 2002
I am thankful that my family were able to come down after not seeing me since my weight-loss and they were all making a huge deal about it- making me feel on top of the world! I am thankful that when I stand, the chair doesn't stay attached to my butt. I am thankful that my insurance company actually paid for my procedure (and paid much more than I thought they would). I am thankful that some sweet soul put a new bottle of water on the water cooler today at work. I am thankful that my hubby hasn't served divorce papers on me since I have been driving him crazy the last few days. I am thankful that my soon-to-be four year old can finally hit the toilet when he pees. I am also grateful that my fourteen year old can finally do so as well. And I am most thankful that I was FINALLY able to get in the correct amount of protein today and none of it came back up!!! (Been having a problem with meat.) <b>Happy Turkey Day!</b>......Karen (lap rny- 9/20/02- down 76 pounds!)
   — karmiausnic

November 29, 2002
I am thankful for the everyone whom helped make this surgery possible, God for seeing me thru it and everyday since, my family who loves me, my husband and sole mate for loving me thick or thin,I'm thankful for being able to walk into a restaurant and fitting in the booth, I'm thankful for being able to take part in daily activities with my family and especislly my grand kids, most of all for my lord and savior.
   — Lisa W.

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