I'm 7 months ut almost eight and i'm 7 weeks pregnant...I need advice on what to do

   — JAN B. (posted on November 30, 2002)

November 30, 2002
Get to a doctor- asap. My surgeon told us that we would have to have an inline put in and go to the hospital daily to be fed through our veins. Good luck!!
   — Sharon1964

November 30, 2002
There is a YAHOO OSSG group devoted to post-op pregnancy. Go to Choose groups, then do a search on OSSG pregnancy. Many women have had babies post-op, even in the first few months when you are not 'supposed' to. Make sure your surgeon knows about it and your ob/gyn knows about your surgery and you'll do just fine. Congratulations!
   — garw

November 30, 2002
Jan you will do fine honey! One of my friends got pregnant at 6 months post op, and she had a few problems, none of which had to do with her surgery. Don't panic, and like the others said see your OBGYN and your surgeon know that they can follow you close and make sure that you get all you and the baby need to be healthy. I bet that you will do just fine! Congratulations!!
   — poohdotsmom2

November 30, 2002
Congratulations! While now is not the ideal time....babies are always wonderful! I got pregnant at 9 months post op and had a healthy pregnancy and a perfect baby girl. Stay in close contact with your surgeon and OB Dr. and do what they say. I had to eat more often...almost constantly...and still never gained any weight but the baby was fine. Good luck!
   — mollyhow

November 30, 2002
thank you for answering my post..I'm so excited about being pregnant but at the same time i'm nervous... i will check out the yahoo pregnant ossg groups and my surgeon and my doctoer are threw the same hospital so they are working together with my pregnancy....It's funny my obgyn was the one who referred me to get this surgery....but anyway thank you again....and please keep me in prayer.....
   — JAN B.

December 1, 2002
My sister became pregnant six months after surgery. She delivered a very healthy baby girl on 11/29/02. She weighed 8 pounds! My sister consulted with a dietician as soon as she found out she was pregnant. The dietician had her on supplements from the very beginning. She had to be careful, but everything worked out fine! You will do the same! I wish you the best in your pregnancy. :0)
   — sheron H.

December 1, 2002
hi there! congrats on your pregnancy!:) i would say eat more often and if you find there are things you cant keep down due to morning sickness or whatever, find the food that agree with you even if they happen to have carbs in them, dont worry about losing weight again till after baby. then youll have plenty of time to get back on schedule. i wish you the best of luck! you must be soooo happy :)
   — carrie M.

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