Should one of my Lap incisions be itchy and red?

I had Lap on Nov. 7, 2002 and have done great. So far I have lost about 28 lbs. I noticed one of the small incisions is itching. Now it is red. I have been putting anti-itch cream on it but it still itches. I don't have a temperature. Could it be an infection? I had itching in the hospital and thought that was the healing process. I would consider this part of the process if it wasn't red. Any ideas?    — Jeanie D. (posted on December 4, 2002)

December 4, 2002
Incissions frequently itch as they can be quite annoying. Redness alone is not so much a concern if it is not accompanied by other symptoms. You said you have no temp. How about tenderness in the area of redness . If you gently press there any draingae. And does it feel HOT. Some tenderness is normal, it is a new incission after all, but if it is super tender...more than other areas, if it looks like it is separating or starting to ooze..or feels really warm/hot to touch. Thanks can be a very real sign of an infection and you need to go to your doctor immediately......
   — Keniki B.

December 4, 2002
Put a litlle Neosporin Plus on it.
   — Linda A.

December 4, 2002
I had a world of problem with a couple of my incisions. Seems the ends of the sutures kept trying to poke through rather than dissolving like they should. They will irritate until they come up enough where they can be cut off.
   — Cathy S.

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