Colon cancer is common in my family...

I am still Pre-Op but I was wondering ... <p><p>My Grandmother (dad's mom) died of colon cancer in '96. My dad's brother died of colon cancer in '92. My dad has to have a colonoscopy done every 6 months and has has some polyps(sp) removed -- thank God none have been cancerous so far. My moms brother was diagnoses with colon cancer 2 years ago was treated and got better but a few months ago he started to have blood in his stool again, sure enough the cancer was back. <p><p>What happens if I get the cancer and have to have sections removed or a colostomy bag and I already have my intestines and stomach re-done. Would it be harder to fight the cancer? Since there is less there to start with wouldn't it take over my body and progress faster? Just another little thing for me to worry about ..hehe Merry    — Merry I. (posted on December 5, 2002)

December 5, 2002
ME too. Get yourself checked for polyps every couple years. The large intestine uis where colon cancer strikes. The SMALL intestine is whats rerouted in WLS. Its theorized the MO diet causes colon cancer, the new eating after surgery might prevent this terrible disease. They really dont know yet. Bottom line the surgeries are in different areas and shouldnt be a problem.
   — bob-haller

December 5, 2002
Merry, I agree with Bob. My father was diagnosed with colon cancer in March and subsequently died in July of this year. I never got a chance to tell him that I was going to have this surgery, as he had enough to concern himself with in my opinion. However, his death only confirmed to me that I needed to do something about my lifestyle and my weight. This surgery has been the tool to help me do that. Yesterday morning I woke up and thought that this decision (to have the surgery) was/is probably one of the best things I have EVER done for myself.........better than my Master's degree...better than graduating college.... Good luck to you, may this help you keep your risk down... Hugs. K (Lap RNY 10/1/02...down from 280 to about 235 or so...)
   — Karen K.

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