I'm about a week from surgery and I have a yeast rash!

Since it's between just us, I had to ask, I have suffered with a yeast rash for several weeks (trying to be delicate here; under my panni and breasts) and have tried several remedies. I've tried Gold Bond medicated powder (no help), Acidophilis tablets (no help so far) and another health food tablet called Tanalbit (no help so far) for the last few weeks. Also, Lamisil has not helped in the past. I normally get them when I'm on a antibiotic routine but this time, I have not been on any antibiotic. I don't want this to interfere with my surgery. Does anybody have any recommendations? Thanks for answers...    — Deborah N. (posted on December 9, 2002)

December 8, 2002
You have done all of the home remedies. It is now time for medical intervention. Make an appointment with your doc and follow up until it is gone.
   — Vicki L.

December 8, 2002
Hi...Get in touch with your pcp right away as there are meds to clear up episodes pretty quickly. In meantime, avoid daily, cheese, and eat yogurt as it puts the right bacteria in your body. Good luck on your surgery!
   — AJC750

December 8, 2002
I started getting the yeast rashes after I gave birth to my twins. Didnt know one could get a yeast rash there, now it flares up now and then. My pcp presrcibed Ketoconazole 2%creme, usually clears it up in just a couple of days. Good Luck!
   — TheresaC

December 8, 2002
You need to go to your doctor and get diflucan or some other med to get it cleared up. Once it's cleared up the challenge will be to keep it cleared up. Prior to my tummy tuck I would lay on the bed after my shower and take the blow dryer (low setting) and make sure the area under the panni was good and dry. Then I would spray it with spray deodorant. ALWAYS wear cotton panties - never nylon. This worked pretty good for me and only added a couple of minutes to my routine in the morning while getting ready for work. Sometimes when we put creams and things on a yeast rash we accidentally make it worse because one of the main elements of healing is keeping it DRY in addition to killing the fungus. The spray deodorant dried almost immediately. You can also use spray Lamisil or Lotrimin as part of your morning routine too. Good luck - this is so frustrating! Merry Christmas!
   — ronascott

December 8, 2002
I tried desitin for babies and it worked like a dream. good luck!
   — shawn B.

December 8, 2002
I get these rashes sometimes too, the best thing I have found to use, is Desitin diaper rash medication, it doesn't dry it out, but it clears it up usually overnight. It also makes it stop burning! I hope this helps.
   — Donna T.

December 9, 2002
Hi there, I occassionaly have the same problem. I couldn't find anything that would work until I tried Solarcaine. I know it sounds crazy but it is the only thing that works for me. Good luck...Toni
   — Toni T.

December 9, 2002
I had the same problem it was truly awful! even had thrush in my mouth. Dr gave me 4 courses of diflucan. finally cleard ip. now ia just dust with corn starch every morning and I'm fine.
   — Amy G.

December 9, 2002
I cleared mine up with a daily routine. It does sound funny but I use the hair dryer like one of the other posters mentioned to get really dry and a spray of deoderant and I'm good to go. I've done this for a long time after trying baby powder and other things that didn't work. I also had a terrible yeast infection in my belly button, that hurt very bad and the doctor prescribed something for me. Ever since then I make sure to keep that area very clean and dry as well. Disgusting huh? But I did find the more I tried and the more I messed with it the worse it seemed to be. So, the hair dryer/spray deoderant worked like a godsend.
   — Dee ,.

December 9, 2002
hi-i don't want to get you nervous, but please see your dr right away, because my dr postponed my surgery because of the same reason! i was scheduled for july 25, and got bumped up till aug 19 because he said it's too risky to do surgery with a rash! i used nystatin (prescription) and it cleared up in a week, but i was so bummed out being postponed because i was on a waiting list of 1 year to begin with! good luck with this and see your dr asap - i hope you don't get cancelled!
   — ann6088

December 9, 2002
I have a 14 mo. old son. When I was pregnant, I developed an infection and was told by my mid-wife to use hydrogen peroxide on it. The same kind you use for cuts. Use a cotton pad, wipe the area. Do this until it goes away, usually a couple of days. And make sure you thoroughly dry yourself after bathing or doing anything that would make you sweat. It worked for me.
   — Laura S.

December 9, 2002
My mom swears by a powder called Zeasorb...I've used it and it has been wonderful. It is great to use to prevent yeast/rashes/athletes foot as well.
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 9, 2002
Thanks everyone. I saw my PCP this afternoon and he prescibed Nystatin/Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream and a couple of doses of Diflucan. I appreciate all your suggestions. It's nice to know I'm not the only person that suffers from this darn stuff. By the way, I did a little research on and found a couple of antifungal creams that were supposed to have high risk factors while using Versed. Since Versed (knock me out, make me happy drug) is going to be one of my best friends next Tuesday when I have surgery, I certainly didn't want to worry about drug reactions. D* <--- feeling a little better and getting ready for my pre-op hospital visit
   — Deborah N.

December 9, 2002
All I have to say is that after YEARS AND YEARS of searching for a remedy for all my yeast related skin problems I FINALLY found a cure. IT IS CALLED LORTISONE. You can only get it by prescription. IT is a Godsend...I am not kidding! It clears up the most terrible and huge yeast infections in less than 24-48 hours! My mom used it too and it worked just as good on her. ASK FOR IT!!!! Good Luck! (open RNY 7/23/02 -93 lbs)
   — Shawnie S.

December 10, 2002
Hi, I have the perfect solution. I used to have it bad but came up with a great treatment. After every shower I dry real good then spray with areosol antipersprant under my panni. I then use a all cotton cloth strip (4x18) under it. If I have a flare up I only use areosol Tinactin antifungal spray directly on the spot. It is GONE in 24 hrs. Hope this helps. Trudi
   — Trudi L.

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