Are most Open RNY's transected?

I'm not transected and I was curious if most Open RNY's are transected (stomach detached). I am 9 mo. post op, have lost 97lbs., and I am hungry a lot, and I can eat more now... (no, nothing like before), but still, sometimes I feel I can eat alot, i.e. two pieces of pizza last night...usually I can only eat one. But I didn't eat all the crust. Anyway, I hope I don't have a ruptured staple line. I don't feel sick at all, I have been lucky with this surgery... no side effects at all so far. Never dump (at least no more than a nauseous feeling for a few minutes). Anyway, I was just curious if most of us RNY's are stapled or transected?    — Kay W. (posted on December 11, 2002)

December 11, 2002
hey how are you ..... i see that you are concerned about being able to eat alot more now , i was concerned about this in the pass toooooo but i realized that on the days that i can eat more i still cant eat no where near the amount that i was able to eat before surgery. i was not transected and this was something that i worried about because i would not really know if i had a staple line disruption, but i dont think that you have anything to worry about as long as you are not gainging any weight back you are fine you may not loose as fast as you did in the beginng if you dont incorparate exercise and things like that, but your fine dont worry. my start weight was 345 Lbs on 2/26/02 i had surgery and 2 weeks shy of 10 months ive lost 97 pounds i think that is great and you will continue to do great email me if you need more support take care...................
   — Latisha M.

December 11, 2002
Hi Kay! So glad you asked your question! I am confused too. I thought transected was the procedure used to separate your stomach. Also, I thought the stomach remained in the body beause esential acids for digestion are still needed to be made to process food. I look forward to reading more responses to your question. Good Luck!
   — Karen H.

December 11, 2002
I don't know if it's 50/50, but I do know that many surgeons still do not transect.
   — Leslie F.

December 11, 2002
"Are most...?" Sorta depends on when they were done. I had to be revised at the 5 yr mark, but I was originally done in 1994. INstead of driving yourself nuts, just go ahead & check it out. An upper endoscopy is painless, simple, slightly inconvenient (no driving that day). And then you'll know where you are.
   — vitalady

December 11, 2002
hi there kay :) im not transected and it worries me at times a little. my surgeon does not transect. so far no problems with any of his patients thank goodness. i hope i never have a std. its normal to be able to accomodate more food at the stage you are at but if it seems like it keeps getting to be way too much id get it checked out. best of luck to you! :)
   — carrie M.

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