Has anyone out there started at or around 384 lbs, had open

RNY, PROXIMAL and lost 200 or more lbs?    — Bev B. (posted on December 20, 2002)

December 20, 2002
Started at 407 lbs ... right at about 207 lbs. now. The double-century mark!!! I can hardly believe it!
   — Terissa R.

December 21, 2002
I started at 382 on 4-15-02 had the open rny surgery, now down 112.5lbs. goodluck!
   — stacey1273

December 21, 2002
Bev, I started at 446lbs. on 9/20/02. 2 weeks ago I weighed and have lost 74 lbs. 3 months out yesterday, have not weighed again. Getting a scale for Christmas!! It takes longer for us to lose 200 lbs. but we do lose quicker at first. Hang in there, it is possible. I have read quite a few profiles of women that have done great. I am so happy that I did it!!
   — pam k. S.

December 22, 2002
Hi Bev... I started at 381 lbs. I had an open rny distal, with a hernia repair on 10/5/99.. It has been three years and I feel great . If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me @ [email protected]
   — devine299

December 22, 2002
Ooops i forgot to tell you the most important part I maintain a wieght if 160 lbs...
   — devine299

December 22, 2002
hi there :) 5 9 started at 370, now currently 198!!!!! :) i cant wait to hit the 200lb loss mark. ill do cart wheels!! hehehe!!!!! best of luck to you! :) had open rny feb 8 02
   — carrie M.

December 29, 2002
I started out at 5'9 365 and I am down 90lbs (surgery date 6/24/02) and counting...
   — Samitra D J.

December 29, 2002
I am 11 months out right now....I started at 390 pounds and 5'7 1/2" and am now 230. I'm still losing too. I also had open and mine was between proximal and distal (medial, although some argue there is only one or the other). Good luck!
   — Paula Prichard

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