What is this pain??

I have not had much problem,s a little pain in the middle of my chest when the food is to dry BUT last night I had a small piece of Chicago deep dish pizza I ate two bits of the crust then only the topping off it. It did have a lot of cheese on it. About 10 min. later I started to have pain at the top of my incision and it like worked it's way down then way away. It lasted about 40 min. Did I eat to much? Was the food not chewed up good? or did I eat to fast? I DO NOT want to do that again!! Thank you for your help.    — charanewme (posted on December 24, 2002)

December 24, 2002
I've had the same pain with mozzarella cheese, whether pizza or cheeze sticks. You might want to stay away from it for a few more months and try again. Things get better with time.
   — Darlene P.

December 24, 2002
Do you still have your gallbladder? I started having pain just below my breast bone (or the top of my incision), that ratiated down and around to my back. I thought at first it was my stomache and I was dumping or having really bad gas. After having 4 really painful attacks I went to my doctor, who ordered an ultrasound, which confirmed the presence of gallstones. I had my gallbladder out 2 weeks ago. Just a thought.
   — Susan M.

December 24, 2002
Good morning and Merry Christmas !! I am Now out 19 months and surpassed my goal. currently weigh 125 - 115 pounds. I expierenced those same feelings early on and they gradually got worse (GALLBLADDER)!!! Recently had it removed the day before thanksgiving and feel great now. I went 19 months with being sick on just about everything I ate which was very minimal. Doctors ran tests which showed no signs of gall stones so they wouldn't do any thing. Finally in October I was sent to a surgeon by my rny doctor he told be just because you don't have any stones dose not mean your gallbladder in functioning correctly or at all. Two weeks ago at my post op visit the doctor told me the pathology report came back and it was a good thing that he removed it that it was extremly inflammed and not functioning. I am able to eat now and feel wonderful. I hope this helps!!
   — LAURIE W.

December 25, 2002
I have had my gallbladder taken out before this surgery. I have this pain and it last like yours does but I found out that it is either I didn't chew it up good enough, ate to fast, ate too much or my stomach just didn't agree with what I was eating. If you try it again and the same thing happens just stop eating it for awhile and then try it again at a later time. If you still have your gallbadder have it checked out just in case. Hope this helps you out.
   — Lana Rush

January 2, 2003
What about the fact that you ate crust? I didn't see anyone ask about that. I've heard from alot of people that they have problems with bread because it forms a dough lump so to speak in the stomach. Personally, I try to stay away from anything to do with bread. I haven't had pizza since before my surgery. Just something to think about.
   — Janine B.

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