Am I the oly one who feels like this surgery isnt going to work for me?

I have FINALLY went down in my clothes, but still dont feel like I have lost 57 pounds since Oct 2, 2002. I have a very BIG fear that im not going to do well. I have always felt like a failure (THANKS TO MY EX HUSBAND) and now I am afraid I will once again fail. I never get sick from anything I mean NOTHING. I wont get rid of the clothes that are now to big because in the back of my head I will need them again. Whats wrong with me? WIll I ever get to my goal weight? I dont need to be a size 8, gosh a 14 would be WONDERFUL. ANy advice please help!    — Schatzie1 (posted on December 27, 2002)

December 27, 2002
I have the same fear. I had surgery on 10/22 and have lost 39 lbs so I am way behind you, Nothing makes me sick and though I fill up fast I get hungry after a few hours. I am doing everything by the book and still not losing much. I am afraid that I have done this for nothing and will look like a fool to all my friends and family.
   — Tawnda C.

December 27, 2002
hi there, relax you are doing fine :) hang in there! most of us that have had wls have tried so many methods of weightloss that only produced a temporary success, so we are used to being let down at the many failed attempts at weight loss so the fear your feeling is so normal. i personally started to notice a big difference in cloths around the 75 lbs loss mark so hang in there it gets much better! just remember good habits and good choices and this tool will not fail really does work! it may take a while for you to let go of the old cloths until you are convinced that this really does work but in time youll be able to let go of them. best of luck to you. :)
   — carrie M.

December 27, 2002
Hey, Im in the same boat as you. I had surgery 10/28 and have lost 35. (20 the first 2 weeks)So your ahead of me too actually. I hardly even weigh any more, its so depressing. I have lost inches but only about 18 or so. I know that sounds ungrateful, but when I read on here about people starting the same as me and losing 100 in 6 months its really depressing. I did read earlier that one Dr said that alot of women lose much of their weight between months 3 and 9. I hope thats true. Sorry I wasnt very encouraging but know you are not alone and that as long as we keep doing our best, somethings gotta give!! What else can we do?
   — Marilayne M.

December 27, 2002
Hey, Im in the same boat as you. I had surgery 10/28 and have lost 35. (20 the first 2 weeks)So your ahead of me too actually. I hardly even weigh any more, its so depressing. I have lost inches but only about 18 or so. I know that sounds ungrateful, but when I read on here about people starting the same as me and losing 100 in 6 months its really depressing. I did read earlier that one Dr said that alot of women lose much of their weight between months 3 and 9. I hope thats true. Sorry I wasnt very encouraging but know you are not alone and that as long as we keep doing our best, somethings gotta give!! What else can we do?
   — Marilayne M.

December 27, 2002
Hi there guys, I had surgery Feb/02 and have lost 105 pds, I did it slowly though not all in th first 6 month, actually I was eating carbs right from the start because I didn't want to loose so fast I would sag all over ! Well I have slowed down on my weight loss and that is great for me, did you guys have the banding or the gastric? I wonder what you guys are doing different. Walk, walk walk ! and eat 3 meals a day, if you don't eat, there is nothing to lose !
   — Nilda G.

December 27, 2002
   — Tracey H.

December 27, 2002
I honestly believed that I would be the less than 1% of the population who don't lose weight after surgery, although I have never heard, read or encountered anyone who hasn't had some weight loss from WLS. I'm 8 months out and it's still hard for me to believe that I have lost 155ish lbs. My brain won't believe it even though people that haven't seen me for a long time don't recognize me. My brain sees a 408 lbs woman while my eyes see a 250lbs woman (still fat but not as fat as before.) I've met tons of women who do not believe that the surgery will work for them. I think we're preprogramed for failure since all the diets, exercise and portion control efforts failed in the past. It's really difficult to believe that something actually works! I also kept the fat clothes far longer than I should have. I believed that I would be right back in them in no time. I also have a hard time buying clothing that fits right, I always migrate towards 28s even though they don't fit! It's hard to reprogram the brain; slowly but surely it happens! Good luck to you!
   — jenn2002

December 27, 2002
Rose, Congratulations on your weight loss that is a major accomplishment. I had my surgery on 10/08/02 and am down 56 lbs total right now. I think that we get so used to the trial/ error/failure thing as obese people that to fail is usually just the next step. I know that I have failed several times in the past and to hear people reiterate it just ingrains it even more... the surgery creates an opportunity for a new life by providing a tool and it isn't just the way we eat that has to change but we also have to work hard at how we perceive ourselves due to self esteem issues. Take each day as it comes, one step after another and the Best of luck to you :-)... Laurie Laurie
   — Laurie F.

December 28, 2002
Hi everybody - I'm another one that's right there with you. I had my open RNY on 10/31/02 and have lost 40 pounds so far which although I know it's on target with the 100 pounds in six months thing - I think I'm failing. I walk, I lift weights and I think I do well on my protein but I need to get more water in me. I've been on a plateau for 3 weeks!!! Something has got to give or I'm going to go crazy! I don't understand how I can lose mass (because my clothes are getting quite baggy - especially the pants) without losing pounds. Anyway, all of us have to hang in there and try to have positive thoughts because afterall what choice do we really have? The surgery is done and over with and we must adapt to that fact, right?
   — Pamela R.

December 28, 2002
My surgery was Oct. 1, I've loss 35 pounds which is less than anyone I've seen, but you know what it is a loss, not a gain. And I feel great, everyone tells me that each person loses in their own way, but in the end everyone loses. You are doing great, enjoy the ride.
   — Cookie G.

December 30, 2002
No Rose, you're not the only one that feels this surgery is not going to work for you. I'm with ya sis, I feel the same way you do right now. Kinda wonder if I could have had a say in the choice of which procedure to have when I had the Lap RNY-proximal on 9/3/02, wish I could have had it distal, then I would be losing faster.
   — yourdivaness

May 16, 2003
I had the RNY on June 11, 2002 and I've only lost 70 pounds and have not lost anything for almost 6 months. Something has failed with me. Don't know what happened. Georgia Horton
   — Georgia H.

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