Goal weight

Hi Everyone: I was just wondering, how did everyone get their goal weights. I see where some people have a goal weight from their doctor, and their own personal goal weight, usually a lower figure. How did you figure out what you would like to weigh? Do you use the Metropolitan tables, or a number you weighed before? How long did it take you to reach your goal? Love ya all. Grace    — Grace H. (posted on December 30, 2002)

December 30, 2002
hiya grace. i came up with my own goal weight. before i met my husband i'd gone through a bad divorce and LIVED at the gym, i got down to 117lbs but when my gym closed i bumped up to 135lbs where i stayed without trying until my daughter was that is how i got 135 to be my goal weight. my surgeon told me to expect to weigh around 150ish. the surgeon general says i should weigh no more than 130 with my large bone structure (i'm very short tho). i reached goal weight 13 mos post op and now i'm 11 pound below goal. good luck! kate open rny 6-14-01 pre op: 268lbs goal: 135lbs current: 124lbs
   — jkb

December 30, 2002
My surgeon comes up with a goal weight of 50% of what you need to lose. That is because this surgery is considered successful if you lose 50% of your weight. I personally came up with a goal weight that is more than the Metropolitan tables because I think those are totally unrealistic. If I weighed what it says I should weigh, I would be very skinny. You have to know your body and determine what a good healthy weight for you should be. I am still pre-op, but I hope and pray I can reach my goal!
   — Kathy S.

December 30, 2002
I never used the Metropolitan tables, which say 142 for my 5'6" frame. However, my surgeon did base his goal for me on them. But, his goal for me - the results that he would be satisfied with - were if I lost 75% of my excess over what the Met table says. That would put me at 185lbs. My own personal goal has changed from time to time. I ultimately decdied that it would be nice to weigh 157 lbs. That would make me exactly half of what I started out as. I am 10.5 months out today and weight 159.5. I exepct to lose 10-15 with my PS. With exception to my horrible baggy skin, I wouldn't care if I didn't lose another ounce. I felt pretty damn successful at 170.
   — PaulaM

December 30, 2002
My doctor decided that I should weigh 130 as a goal weight. I told him NO WAY! The lowest I had ever weighed was 138 and I was a very thin size 8, and a good 10 years younger. I decided that clothing size was a better indicator for me and decided that probably 145-150 would be a size 10-which is what I was when I got married. I'm at 160 and a size 12, so that goal may be right on target. I hope to get there will a little work but even if I don't, I like being a 12! You know, you can always adjust your weight goal as you lose weight too.
   — Cindy R.

December 30, 2002
Hi there! I've decided that my goal weight is going to be that weight at which "I" feel my very best!! Where my body feels healthy and energetic. I just hate getting caught up on a'd always be saying to myself.."self", if you have not reached 125 then you have not succeeded! That's just BULL!!!(giggle) I would be sabatashing (how do you spell that) myself, and that's just not the way I wish to go with this. I'm going to make this the most positive thing I have ever done for myself,(mind, body & spirit)... so... everyday I feel a little better, which means every day I "have" succeeded in reaching a goal!! Does that make sense? (smile)Ok, that was just my 2 cents worth!! Love and light,
   — medium

December 30, 2002
My doctor let me decide on my goal weight. I've lost 100% of my excess weight. I decided on 130 but went down to 125 then have stabilized at 128. I'm content with this weight and I look fine. You doctor should be able to give you some guidance on what you should weight based on your frame structure.
   — Patty H.

December 30, 2002
My goal was 125, with the chart at 122-129. I couldn't get an exact goal out of my doc, either. LOL! I settled 110-115, been here for years. I love it, of course. Glad I wasn't fixed on a certain number.
   — vitalady

December 30, 2002
i had a goal, but, not a goal weight. after being obese all my life all i wanted was to get down to a healthy weight & be rid of all my co-morbids. i am currently down 120 lbs to 160 lbs & if i dont lose another lb i will be perfectly happy. the last time i weighed 160 i was 14. i did want to lose enuf to be a size 14. i am currently 12-14 in tops & 8-10 in pants.
   — sheryl titone

December 30, 2002
Funny you should ask this - this question came up in my last support group meeting. Personally, I picked a weight that I had been when I was younger and felt good about my weight. I set my goal at 125.... BUT... I also said I wanted to be in a size 10 pants. So if I make it into a size 10 and im at 135 - I will be happy. The main thing is - pick your goal weight and know that its not set in stone!!! You may not reach that goal or you may surpass it!! Whatever weight you end up being doesnt really matter - as long as you are healthy and happy!! :)
   — Valerie H.

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