How do other pre-ops handle feeling uncomfortable in your body as you wait for WLS?

I am pre-op and waiting for insurance approval. I have not seen anyone else ask this question. Every day I seem to be growing more uncomfortable in my own body. It is an odd sensation. I want to jump out of my skin. This is strange for me because I have a good life and have strived to not let my weight limit me any more than necesary. I am not at ease anymore in this 393lb body. Has anyone else experienced this and how did you manage while you waited? I look forward to some of the good things I can create in my life and the lives of others once I am the size I feel I am in my heart. It is as if this body size no longer works for me now that I know it is not a life-long prison sentence.    — Ann B. (posted on December 31, 2002)

December 31, 2002
Ann-Yes. I can relate. I think I had done a lot of self acceptance like 'you may not have the perfect body, but you are pretty anyway' kind of things. A couple weeks ago I was killing time at the gym waiting for someone and walking on the treadmill. On the opposite wall there was a mirror that covered the whole wall. I looked at myself and thought, "YUCK! Look at you!" I've been very discontent ever since. What do I do about it??? I think to myself that if all goes right in a year or so, I'll be looking much different. Not perfect, but much more comfortable in my own body. Hang in there.
   — Hilary P.

December 31, 2002
Hillary, this was my experience too. All of those years of learning to live with myself just came to a screeching halt in the few months before I had my surgery. I wanted to divorce my body. I think as we see the light at the end of the tunnel, we become increasingly more ready to leave the life we have. I think your view as the prisoner is right on. I felt imprisoned in a mountain of fat. Now that I have been released from it, the feeling is wonderful but also strange. Good Luck to you, and hang in there!
   — Cara F.

December 31, 2002
I am also waiting for the word from my insurance, and I feel just like you, I never really let the fat bother me, and know I can not stand how fat I am. Everytime I eat a meal I am now thinking how I will be eating after surgery. I find the wait to get the okay from the insurance company almost unbearable.
   — cindy

December 31, 2002
I too, am dying waiting for insurance approval. Ever since I started this journey I have gotten more aware of my appearance. Although I always new I was too heavy, I tried not to let it bother me and tried to do normal things. When I couldn't I just sucked it up and did what I could and never said I couldn't do something and if I knew I couldn't I just didn't bother trying. Now that surgery is a hope for me, I am using my weight as an excuse a lot more like why I can't go up and down the stairs 52 times to chase our son, etc. And, sometimes I want to say to someone that gives me that look "you know I'm not going to look like this next year" but of course, I would never say that. I am looking forward to getting out of this body and finding the one that lies beneath so that I can enjoy life again. I really didn't know how good I had it nor how good I looked years ago when I was healthy. I completely took it for granted, something I will not do this time around with my second chance.
   — Dee ,.

December 31, 2002
I am somewhat in this situation. I feel very uncomfortable in my skin, and boy do I hate mirrors. I have my date of January 16th, 03 @ 10:30 am and I have been approved by my insurance bc/bs HMO in three days!!!! I can't wait!!! I am anxious as well as terrified. Heck, I'm terrified and I still have approximately 3 weeks left. But hang in there, I'm positive it will get better.
   — Luscious1 X.

December 31, 2002
Cara's divorce analogy is perfect. One I made up my mind to go forward to have WLS. I wanted to only look ahead. So, living in my body was indeed like having to live with a person that I had decided I didn't want to live with anymore. What you are doing to look forward is very, very mentally healthy - good for you. You'll do great! -Lori (RNY 6/20 308/218)
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 31, 2002
Good to know I'm not the only one that feels this way. Problem is I'm just at the begining of it all. This month I meet with the dietician and physical therapist. I'm hoping to have wls in May. My mom said my son was saying I dont play with them like I use to, like sledding and wrestling. For the last two winters I blamed it on being pregnaunt or having to stay in with the twins. So what is my excuse this year mom wanted to know. None, other then I hate that I have nothing to wear out in the cold. It is so hard to get around like I did. I am a lightweight and have it much easier then some, I feel like I shuldnt complain, BUT, I can't do things like I did. It's so tiring or just plain hard. I keep saying next year will be different. Even promised my son and daughter that we could take karate next fall.<money premitting> I'm hoping they will forgive me for the past two years. I wont even spend money on new clothes though I need them badly. It's like everything is on hold. It is so frustrating. I do know my time will come. It is like "hurry up and wait". ***grins
   — TheresaC

December 31, 2002
I feel the same way. I am scheduled for surgery 1/28/03 and I feel like jumping out of this body and into the new body I want to have! I dont expect it to be perfect, but I am tired of feeling uncomfortable. Its almost like an itch you can't scratch. But hang in there. We all have body image issues due to society's attitude towards obesity, and although its hard, we shouldn't let society dictate how we feel about ourselves. Good luck to you.
   — Tyrone T.

December 31, 2002
Finally someone said what I've been feeling for months.I've been waiting for a date for three months,just to find out yesterday my surgeon won't be doing anything the whole month of January.I feel everyday that my health is failing me.I had two knee surgeries this year,and my gallbladder out also.Now my knee feels like it's bone on bone again,and I developed diabeties,and high blood pressure from the stress of my last knee surgery.My stomac is in knots and everything I eat is going right through me and that has lasted for four weeks now.So yes i know very well how you feel.I wonder do the doctors really know what we are going through?
   — Tanya H.

December 31, 2002
Finally someone said what I've been feeling for months.I've been waiting for a date for three months,just to find out yesterday my surgeon won't be doing anything the whole month of January.I feel everyday that my health is failing me.I had two knee surgeries this year,and my gallbladder out also.Now my knee feels like it's bone on bone again,and I developed diabeties,and high blood pressure from the stress of my last knee surgery.My stomac is in knots and everything I eat is going right through me and that has lasted for four weeks now.So yes i know very well how you feel.I wonder do the doctors really know what we are going through?
   — Tanya H.

December 31, 2002
I've been eating like no tomorrow!! I can't help but think that I may not have this food or that food ever again (well at least not for a few months). I can feel myself gaining weight and my dress shirts are getting shorter and shorter each week. Soon I'll gain enough weight where I can't keep them tucked into my pants. Since I'm having surgery on Feb 19, I am trying not buy any more work clothes so it will be a tight race. I'm also starting to feel the weight on my joints and lower back again. I had previously lost 100 pounds on my own but gained back about 60 of those pounds already. So I'm at the brink where I was having chronic back pain again. It seems that my maximum load for my back is right around my current weight of 370 pounds. Oh well the surgery is only 49 days away! Take Care, Be Well, and Be Happy!
   — John T.

December 31, 2002
I am currently losing weight through a non-surgical route, which, as we know, is slower, and unfortunately gives me lots more time to look at myself and think, "Oh, my God! Look at me! How could I EVER have let this happen?" But I would really like to keep the weight off this time (down to 315 from 385, so far) so I am trying to cut back on the self-loathing, which never gets me anywhere. This may sound really dumb to you, but it has truly helped me a lot: In my case, my fat has been a protector and a companion. I used compulsive over-eating to take care of myself when my anti-depressants weren't working. (My fat had a purpose, which I think is true, in a unique way, for every MO person.) This being the case, I do not look at my fat as "ugly fat" and speak of it with disgust and loathing. I say to myself/ my body, "Thank you, fat, for everything you've done for me. You protected me when I needed protecting. But I'm feeling much better now, and your work is done. You can go." And when I have a negative reaction to my body, I deliberately think positive - like when my fat arm is just a-flapping when I brush my teeth, I think, "Look at that arm - that's a lot of self-care and protection right there." I know it sounds goofy, but talking mean to myself and with self-hatred certainly never helped me keep weight off, and talking nice to myself is a pleasant experience. You might make use of this waiting time to reflect on what purpose your fat has served, and just think about how glad you are that you've reached this point where you are ready to let it go. Best of luck.
   — Kim A.

January 1, 2003
You know I have had that same feeling but couldn't explain it. I went from being ok being Kimmie at 444lbs to the last couple of weeks feeling obese (even though the numbers say I've been super morbidly obese for some time now). I've never felt obese. I'm not sure if it's a panic state of mind b/c my surgery date is so close. I worry now that something will happen that will prevent my surgery. Go figure ? I'm just glad I'm not the only one out there who has experience this. Happy New Year!
   — Kimmie C.

January 2, 2003
I felt the same way! I brushed it off as part of the mental process we all must go through to make this a success. When there is no hope in sight, the emotions get stuffed way down in there, with WLS there is the reward of a tool that will achieved greater success. We are in the habit of denial, the only way to emotionally survive. With the hope of success around the corner, we can finally allow ourselves to deal with the emotions we denied for so long. (In my opinion) You get through it, there is no sound advise as to what to do, you wake up every morning and know that it is getting closer. Good luck!
   — Dana B.

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