Would you really??????

If Society did not discriminate against Fat People, and Fat was excepted as beautiful...Would you have had this Surgery??? Just a thought....Please be for real.... Thanks    — Rebe W. (posted on January 1, 2003)

January 1, 2003
Yes, I would have. I did not have the surgery to become "beautiful." If it happens, great, if not, I figure not all skinny people are beautiful so why should I expect to be just because I'm skinny? Right? I had this surgery so that I could live my life rather than plodding through it on feet that killed me, carrying my insulin and blood pressure pills, and having a body that didn't have enough energy to do the things my brain dreamed of doing. Already I can walk more than I would have believed possible by just loosing 45 pounds (my open RNY was on 10/31/02 - started at 333lbs.) and I've just got to believe that it will get even better. Heck, even though I'd love to weigh 160 I'd be satisfied with 200 and lots of muscle!
   — Pamela R.

January 1, 2003
YES!!!!!!!!!! I didn't have this surgery to make society accept me - that, however is a nice bonus. I had the surgery so I could live longer. I was to the point that I would have soon been wheelchair bound and probably wouldn't have lived many more years. As it is, I will still have to have both my knees replaced - but at least I am a candidate for having it done now. This surgery wasn't, and shouldn't, be about looks or societal acceptance - it should be about health.
   — Patty_Butler

January 1, 2003
one a year, maybe more if I had too. I di not do this for acceptance. I di this to be healthy and to live longer. IF you are doing this for acceptance, you are doing it for the wrong reasons.
   — Vicki L.

January 1, 2003
i would have this surgery with all of my heart!!! health reasons.. living.. and acceptance is not bad either.. ! `erinn
   — Erinn M.

January 1, 2003
Most definitely! The reasons for doing this is to live a long and healthy life; not just to look better! Every one of my husbands long list of health problems is attributed to his weight. My list isn't as long as his, but my doctors and I know that many of those are right around the corner if I stay at my current weight or gain any.
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 1, 2003
Yes - most definitely. This surgery isn't for appearance reasons - not for any of us. It's for health reasons. There's a reason that they are called co-morbidities - they are illnesses/conditions that directly result from our obesity. <p> I never really had a problem with my size (other than finding clothes to fit), but in the past 10 years, the co-morbidities started appearing and worsened. It finally got to the point that I <b>had</b> to have this surgery...JR (open RNY 07/17/2002 -126 pounds)
   — John Rushton

January 1, 2003
Society isnt the reason I had this surgery in the first place. My health was the sole reason I decided to have it! So my honest answer would be YES I would have had the surgery.
   — Deanna Wise

January 1, 2003
Most definately. I cannot stand the way I feel, how I can't tie my shoe laces and dressing makes me short of breath. I am unable to do any "fun" activities because I have severe back pain from being overweight. I would rather be ugly than live in this body forever.
   — Bonnie B.

January 1, 2003
This surgery is done as the Last Resort for MOST (not all) people. I did it to save my life, not for vanity reasons.
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 1, 2003
Intersting question, if fat was the norm then Obese people might not have such a tough life... airplane seats that aren't a challenge for anyone that isn't twiggy... toilet stalls bigger than a shoebox, the ability to go out without fear of being singled out and humiliated... but, that isn't society. The reality is obesity usually gets in the way, in the way of being able to enjoy life totally, to be healthy, to be able to keep up with kids or spouse or just live a normal life. I have no shame in admitting I had the surgery about 50/50, half for health and half for normality, and I am not ashamed of either reason. Good luck
   — Becky K.

January 1, 2003
I am only 2 months post op and at 3 days post op I was no longer a diabetic! Since then my Rheumatoid arthritis has gone into remission I am off all my medication for Reflux and Asthma and my osteoarthritis had calmed down as well. In this short amount of time I have gone from taking 10 - 15 pils per day to 2, and should be off all meds by the end of this month. Guess what, I will probably never be "beautiful" but I wouldn't care if they gave me the face of a bassett hound I would do it again FOR MY HEALTH....anyone doing it for any other reason is a FOOL.
   — Linda 1.

January 1, 2003
Probally not if society was'nt so harsh on us. However the last year before WLS, I was walking with two canes because my knees were giving out. And there were other problems that were hurting enough so at that point I felt I had to do surgery. If not for the physical problems, I would'nt of IF society did'nt frown on fat.
   — Danmark

January 1, 2003
CALL ME A FOOL!! If I DIDN'T have to worry about my health and society loved fat people... No, I would not have this surgery. I would run naked on a beach. BUT I have to say for me it is 50/50 too. I deserve to have a healthy life, too, both mentally and physically. You would be a fool NOT to admit that!
   — Marcy G.

January 1, 2003
I would still have surgery. I want to be able to run again as oppose to my slow lumbering and subsequent fatigue and joint pain. I want to be free from my CPAP, can't camp very well until the day trees grow electrical outlets. I want to be able to ride a bike without flattening the tires. I want to be able to fit in the passenger seat of a sports car (Couldn't fit in a toyota celica GT very comfortably). I want to be able to squeeze out of the back seat of a car without fear that my knee will give out (sprained my knee trying to squeeze out the back seat of a car that was parked to close to another car). I want to be able to climb a flight of stairs without getting winded. I want to be able to tie my shoes without it being a chore. <p> The reasons above only take in to account the physical/health reasons since the question proposed a scenario without social impact of being fat. In today's society there are the wants of: being able to go to a resturant and fit into a booth, to fit in other public seating (airplains, buses, sporting events, theaters etc), to be able to eat without feeling judged by others, to buy clothes at normal stores for normal costs, to not have to listen to people trying to give me dieting tips, to not feel the sting when ignorant people unknowingly make rude comments about the obese, to not have to fight with the medical community to treat my ailments instead of giving me the solution "you need to lose weight," "ok... but what about the back/knee pain that limits the amount of walking/exercising I can do?!" etc... <p> Take Care, Be Well, and Be Happy!
   — John T.

January 1, 2003
Yes. I had the surgery for my health. I happen to like the look of fattened people. Maybe it is the artist in me, but I find rounder people more appealing.
   — Darlene P.

January 1, 2003
Yes, I would have had the surgery anyway. I didn't have any health problems, no co-morbitities. But, the compulsive overeating, going to bed feeling like a stuffed pig, where sometimes it hurt to even roll over made me feel so ashamed, depressed and hopeless. This surgery has done wonders for my self esteem, and put me in control for once in my life.
   — Stacy L.

January 1, 2003
I actually asked myself this question before my surgery (which was 10/15/02) and decided that society ain't accepting fat people anytime soon so go for it! I would do it again and it actually had nothing to do with society. I never really had problems with people being rude to me because of my weight so I didn't have the surgery for others. I didn't have co-morbidities though both of my parents are diabetic and I am trying to avoid that. I had surgery because I was uncomfortable in my body and wanted to feel like a normal person. Already with 53 pounds lost, I am feeling more confident and taking showers is easier and I have tons more energy.
   — Yolanda J.

January 1, 2003
I would definitely have the surgery. I having it more for my health than for the looks. Sure I want mind looking different, but the biggest reason is I don't want to die! I did not even consider surgery until my health started going down hill.
   — D. Bell

January 1, 2003
Well, I may get blasted for this but...I DO care what people think about me when it comes to certain things. I mean, I felt beautiful at 288#'s and I feel just as beautiful since surgery (11/11/02). I would be lying if I didn't say part of the reason why I had the surgery was because of what other people thought of me. But that was only part of it...a very small fraction. I mostly had the surgery because I have high blood pressure and I'm only in my 20's...I want to be able to do anything I want and not have to worry about my weight being a factor. I want to walk up a small hill and not be winded. I want to jog on the boardwalk. I want to do so many things that my weight keeps me from doing. So even though I do care what people think about me I mostly had the surgery done for myself. I have been loved by friends, family, and significant others at my highest weight. So once again, my answer is yes, I would still have had the surgery,
   — Tracy A.

January 1, 2003
Hi. I believe I would have, but probably only because I was in so much pain and my health was starting to suffer. So it became more of a health decision than a cosmetic one. I never thought anything was all that wrong with me until the pain set in. LOL So I started to think duhhhhh, maybe I need to lose some weight. So for me society had nothing to do with my decision. The fact I couldn't walk anywhere for more than 5 minutes did. :)
   — NikkiCarter

January 1, 2003
Hi there, Rebe! To be honest, yes I would still have had wls. I was tired of being sick all the time, tired of having to take so many meds, tired of feeling like I couldn't do very much, because in truth I couldn't. I am one of those people who could care less about what most others think of me. I care about my closest friends, my husband and niece and my mom. I have a friend, from the Bahamas, used to always tell me that if I want men to adore me and treat me like a queen to go to the Bahamas and that I would win beauty pageants there. Big is beautiful there! That's a nice thing to say, but no one had to live in my body but me and no one else had to deal with all the infirmities but me. WLS was the one thing to was a start to saving my life. Vi open RNY 9/23/02 down 80 lbs.
   — Vi F.

January 1, 2003
Absolutely YES! I had this surgery for me and for the sake of my health, not for anyone else. No more CPAP machine, no more meds for high blood pressure or acid reflux. You bet I would do it again! There certainly is a lot of fat prejudice out there but I also know that many men find full figured women even more beautiful. My man loved me for me and is happier now that I am healthy (and happy)....he would have still loved me if I stayed teetering at 300lbs. Fat isn't just about physical appearance anymore. It is a massive health epidemic in our society! - Anna LAP RNY 7/3/02
   — Anna L.

January 1, 2003
I am trying to get this surgery now. My intentions are mostly for my health. My other health problems are still minor. However, my family history of health issues are starting to stare me in the face. I haven't been able to lose the weight and keep it off. I don't want the high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. that runs throughout all branches of my family. As I'm fast approaching 50 I have to stop and think, what will I be facing in another 5, 10, 20 years. I want to be around for my children and grandchildren. I won't ever be the size 3's my daughters wear and that okay. I will be healther without the excess baggage though! If I look better, that just a bonus.
   — Helen C.

January 1, 2003
YES! I did it to breathe. Breathe & walk simultaneously, breathe & sit, etc. The comorbs were gonna take me out. Soon. The fact that I ended up looking better was a bonus. I just wanted to look normal, fade back into the woodwork.
   — vitalady

January 1, 2003
Great question! Yes, I most certainly would have. I am down 100+ pounds and still VERY fat (120 or so more pounds to go)...but I feel so much better that if I stopped losing now, I would still consider this a success and would be fine with my decision. I did this to be healthier and let me kids have a mom, not a couch blob.
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 1, 2003
   — DRutherford

January 1, 2003
Wow! What a good question. Really makes ya think! I think for me it would be impossible to say that I didn't care what people thought of me. I have lived for many years heavy and it has definately impacted me socially. However, having said that, what has finally been the deciding factor for me in having this surgery is my health. When you are younger and feeling good it is harder to believe that your health is affected. When you are 48 as I am now, the health issues become much more evident! Ofcourse being more socially accepted will definately be a great side benefit.
   — sherry H.

January 1, 2003
I would definitely have the surgery again, for me, I did it more for health reasons than anything. I have always had friends and an active social life, but living with diabetes and obesity was literally killing me. That was a great question. God Bless -leslie
   — Leslie A. J.

January 1, 2003
Hey Rebe--good question. My answer--YEP! I agree with your comments about society being prejudiced against so many things and over the years I have been judged without people even knowing me so I try not to do that to others. I did the surgery not only for health reasons but also because I hated myself so much. I didn't need others to be mean and hateful cos I was my worst critic. Now I'm at a point where I am actually starting to like myself and that's a huge accomplishment for me. If I can help just ONE person on this site--then I'm happy and I'm so blessed that I found this surgery---God does answer your prayers--sometimes it takes a LONGGGGG time but everything is for a reason. Well I will stop babbling now....take care!
   — Bambi C.

January 1, 2003
Absolutely yes! I needed to improve my health and not worry that I was going to die young. But also - and we're being honest here - "I" needed to feel pretty. It wasn't that I needed for society to think I was beautiful. I needed to be satisfied with what I saw when I looked in the mirror. I was always conscious of my appearance and kept my hair and nails done, fixed my face, wore as flattering clothing as possible, etc. but I needed to improve my appearance for "MY" benefit. The unbelievable health improvements combined with the improved self-esteem is GREAT! I'd do it again in a heartbeat!
   — ronascott

January 1, 2003
I had decided to be happy at 230 pounds. Yes, it was too much for a 5'1" woman but dieting wasn't working. But I continued to gain even though I had stopped dieting. And I had NEVER been as sick as I was the year before I had surgery. I caught EVERYTHING including hand, foot, and mouth disease and a bout with an unexplained high fever (the dr told me to go home and relax and basically hope I didn't die). It was awful. I was sick all the time. Even though I didn't have many comorbids, I could tell my body was losing the battle. Since I have had the surgery I have had one--just ONE--cold. That's it. I only go to the doctor for bloodwork. Yes, I do look better. But I am not a supermodel. Men are not fainting away and having car wrecks when I walk in front of them. But I feel better and I'll live longer. I take better care of myself now because deep down I know it matters whereas before I wasn't sure it did any good. YES I would have it anyway. Obesity kills.
   — ctyst

January 2, 2003
I went at this question without reading any of the other answers and here is my potentially shallow answer. I would absolutely do it again. I have not felt this good about myself and this proud of myself,well maybe ever. I am happier and way healthier. My blood pressure is back in line, my cholesterol is back in line and I almost like the way I look. I had this surgery for all of the health reasons that everyone alway expresses. BUT I absolutely had this surgery for vanity too. I wanted to feel good about myself again. I, no matter how hard I tried, could not feel good about myself. I tried to tell myself that I didn't mind and who cared what others thought and for the most part I always said screw them. But I am the one that couldn't deal with myself. 64 lbs off since 7/31/02 (5'3") and 120 lbs down total since by biggest of 300lbs. Thats my 2 cents. Happy Losing to all.
   — pcollin4

January 2, 2003
Hmm...if fat was beautiful...and if fat did not lead to any health problems?? Then the answer would be no, I would not have had the surgery. But even if the first part of your question was true, and fat was considered beautiful (wasn't it considered at one time beautiful in society-where did Rubenesque come from?!), then what about the health part? My first concern was that I was afraid that I was heading for diabetes since I lived on sugar and carbs. Then, my back and knees hurt, my breathing was labored-can we say "early heart attack?" So, if being fat meant better health, then I would not have had the surgery. But since it doesn't, this surgery has done wonders for my health, both mentally and physically. Good question, great responses!
   — Cindy R.

January 2, 2003
YES!! I did it for health - I have a boyfriend, friends, and family that love me even though I'm fat. I don't need to be thin for acceptance. I did it to be healthy later on - I'm 22 years old and relatively heathy (except for joint and back pain) and I had the surgery 2 and a half weeks ago to prevent the heart disease and diabetes that I knew was headed my way.
   — Toni C.

January 2, 2003
Yes, because my fat hurt. It also kept me infertile amongst other health issues. Lugging that weight around was very hard... I have not expirienced much discrimination, at least nothing blatant. It's the same reason I had a breast reduction in 93. They hurt my back something fierce, yet large breasts are often looked at with envy by some.... not by me!
   — Karen R.

January 2, 2003
I'm the original poster... The reason I asked this question is because this is the question I have asked myself over and over again, and to be truthfully honest, If my health was perfect, which it was not, I would not have even had thought of this surgery... Aside from the fact that my fat was really affecting my health, I feel I could not longer stand the constant fat jokes, picking, job rejection,being made an example of, relationship rejections and so on. We all know our health comes first and I did it because of my health, believe me, but I still did it because I want to be accepted and loved. There I said it, I want to be loved, not by my family (they love me dearly) but by others, and I was tired of explaining why I was fat, or looked at as being lazy, funny, jolly,or a good friend... you know fat people are safe friends. So everybody... I Am Being honest and expressing the truth.and I really don't feel I'm alone in this.... Thanks guys... Love you all
   — Rebe W.

January 2, 2003
That is a tough question. I do know that I was uncomfortable in the world, I could not climb stairs or fit in an airplane seat or walk on the beach. So for those reasons yes. Do I care what strangers think about me? No. People hate me because I am white, because I am a woman, because I am American. People hate me because I am in front of them in the grocery store line. People hated me when I was fat, different people hate me now because I am not. I can't live for other people and their biases. I hope that people are not having such a serious surgery just to please other people. I had this surgery for me and me alone. I am the one who had to live with the consequences or the benefits.
   — Cara F.

January 2, 2003
i would have to answer yes becuase although i was healthy pr op, i was depressed, tired, back hurt and i was so tired of living life as a spectator, i hated not being able to dress nice and hated not being able to fit behind booths or in certain cars or carnival rides, i was so scared id have a hearattack or something like that so really those are the things that motivated me to having wls. :)
   — carrie M.

January 2, 2003
hi yes I would because my medical promblems were a lot of them down 104lbs and they are almost all gone.

January 5, 2003
A very very loud yes. I've always been a very beautiful person both on the outside as well as the inside. I know some of you will think that I have a very high opionion of myself and to you I say "I do". I was taught that you first have to love yourself before anyone else can love you. I met and married the most wonderful man in the world who by the way adores me. What society thinks really don't bother me, because if you allow society, your family, friends, or anyone else dictate how you are going to feel about yourself then you are setting yourself up for a lifetime of misery. I say to anyone that reads this rather they be pre or post op, if you are not already in love with you, start now having a love affair with yourself. I've often been told that I'm the cockiest fat person that anyone has ever met. It's not that I'm cocky, I'm just convinced. If you don't want to be in my life because of my weight, then it's your lost, because I'm a great person to know and to befriend. My AMOS sisters and brothers if you don't get anything else from this post, please get this "DON'T ALLOW ANYONE'S ACTIONS TO DICTATE YOUR REACTION" to anything, especially your life, health, and happiness. Don't allow anyone to hold you hostage with their ugliness or hurtful words. Don't let anyone take your dignity, for a lot of us, that's all we have. We don't have a lot of money, but we have our self worth. Much love to all of you at where ever you are on this wonderful journey. God Bless, Lenay
   — Dortheria B.

January 5, 2003
Dortheria: I just love your guts. There is a screaming controversy on the message board. This would certainly stir them up. I do think you are gorgous too.
   — faybay

January 6, 2003
Personally, I miss my cozy plump body folds to warm my hands in. As for the discrimination aspect, I could have cared less. I got far more discrimination for being a woman than for being fat. And, I am a fat admirer...I like extra pounds that make someone look plump and robust. However, as a MORBIDLY OBESE person (494 pre-op), I was short of breath, unable to walk to where I wanted to go and had too much weight to carry around to do the things I wanted to do. At 230 pounds, I feel drop dead gorgeous, can do anything I want physically and am fully participating in life, so yes, I would still have had this surgery!
   — merri B.

January 6, 2003
Yes, My health was slowly hurting me. I was starting to suffer from the results of my weight, and I knew something had to be done.
   — Naes Wls J.

January 6, 2003
Big can be beautiful, but as a fat person I think there is fat and then there is scary. If there was a magic pill, I would have swallowed it years ago. There are too many co-morbidities with obesity to justify keeping the weight on. Plus, I am not physically comfortable and am over trying to justifying it. Fear/reluctance to lose are symptoms of other issues. I am who I am. I'm fat, beautiful, with a very attracted man - BUT I am unhealthy and want to be around as my son grows up. He wants a mom who can run and play soccer and ride bikes and I cannot do it without losing at least half my present weight. I do not measure my worth or attractiveness by my boyfriend(s) - they will like me regardless. I am doing this for my son and me.
   — Suzanne M.

January 6, 2003
Well- I always thought I wasn't too bad, even being morebidly obese. I didn't think I ever had to lose weight - never had problems meeting people, dating, getting jobs, etc. BUT THEN THE HEALTH ISSUE GOT WORSE AND WORSE. It took a life or death situation for me to open my eyes about my weight problem. If ANYONE gets this surgery purely for looks or society's requirements; they are getting it for the wrong reasons.
   — toolio

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