Does anyone have size 32/34 professional clothes to give away?

The clothing exchange says to only post items we want to give away. I have a need that I am not sure how to manage. I have a new supervisor who would prefer I wear suits and professional dresses. I world in the financial field. Does anyone have items you are willing to pass along? I am willing to pay the postage and will gladly share them when I am post op and they are too big for me. I sure hate to come here begging but I can't find or afford these clothes and hoped some of you wonderful post op women who be glad to get rid of your very fat clothes. Thanks from the bottom of my heart. Ann in TX    — Ann B. (posted on January 4, 2003)

January 4, 2003
Hi Ann...this morning I was reading on the message board and even though I can't remember what day it was exactly, I know it was over the last four days that someone who worked in the financial field was giving away size 30/32 clothes of business attire. Sorry I don't remember anything more than that, but I know I read it because I thought of you, as I had read your post earlier that morning. Post again or if you have the time read back through a few days posts. Sorry I couldn't do more to help, I'll read back through some of the posts to see if I can find it if I get a chance. Nat
   — Natalie M.

January 18, 2003
I have tons of clothes I will give away, mostly suits sizes 32/34. All I ask is that you pay shipping. Please see them at I am looking for the clothing exchange to list them, but am having difficulty.
   — Lynn R.

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