Any of you have an elliptical trainer and use it consistently?

I'm birthday list making for my family to get me this soon. What type of elliptical do you have? What brand and model do you have? Price range? Pros/cons? Would you recommend yours? Thanks.    — Mary Ann B. (posted on January 5, 2003)

January 5, 2003
I have a NordicTrac elliptical trainer, and have put it through a rough ride. I've had it for 5-6 years and have never had any problem with it. I have tried the exercise bike and the ski machine, and they both hurt my back, knees and/or feet. This is like riding a bicycle standing up, and gives me the workout with less impact to those areas. I would recommend it to anyone, especially those who are heavy because of the lower impact. Good luck!
   — Loretta E.

January 5, 2003
I don't own one, but I use an elliptical trainer at the gym. I love it! This is definitely the best cardio machine I've found, hands down! I think it's a "Lifecycle" brand. Maybe you can go to a sporting goods store and try a few out to see which kind you like best? It would be a shame to spend all that money and then not be happy with your purchase!
   — Angie M.

January 5, 2003
I have a Schwinn Elliptical Trainer and I absolutely love it. I didn't even know such machines existed until I used one at the YMCA. I ended up buying one. The price tag on the one I bought was $1500 but I talked the salesman down to $1200. It is a very sturdy machine and will give you one of the best workouts you will ever get. It is a great fat burner. I have a stationary bike and a treadmill but I use my elliptical more than them. It has been one of the best investments I have made.
   — imaginec

January 5, 2003
I also have a nordic track elliptical. I bought mine at was one that had been returned and they ended up taking almost 200.00 off of the price. It seems like we paid about 495.00.It is a great machine...I love it!
   — Shirley F.

January 6, 2003
i have a proform elliptical trainer/recumbent bike. When in the elliptical trainer form, then opposite side of the handles is a seat(I used it at my heaviest of 382, got it b4 the surgery, very sturdy)that flips down and forms a recumbent bike.....I paid 300.00 through Speigel for it, had it delivered and my brother set it up. Best investment,,, b4 I couldn't last a minute on it(so out of shape) can now do 5-10 .....very good workout.
   — stacey1273

January 8, 2003
I don't own one yet but I use a Profrom at the gym. I love it! When I have more room in my house, I will buy one. When I first started, I could only do 10 minutes. Now I can go from 20-25 minutes per session. On a similar note, have you ever tried a Pilates session? I adore it and go twice a week. :o)
   — Jennifer A.

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