Should I insist on a sleep study test?

My PCM has said that I have questional sleep apnea, but never ordered any test. He said that the surgeon will order all the necessary test. Well I saw the surgeon yesterday for the 1st time. He wanted to know where the sleeep study results were. I told him what I was told by my PCM. He said" no, I am the surgeon, not your medical doctor." I am trying decide wether I really need one or not- I mean if two doctors agree that I 'may' have sleep apnea but none of them offered to order the test.I am waiting for a call back from my PCM to talk to him about it. Here is the deal. I would almost certainly qualify for the surgery and be approved with insurance if I have this test and it come up that I do have sleep apnea and my BMI is 38.4. Should I have this test or should I just submit my paperwork after I get my BMI to 40 and forget about the sleep study and hope that I will be approved even though I have many complaints but no definite Diagnosis of co-morbs- only GERD and Thyroid disease. One other thing- if I do have apnea- I will be scared to death about dying and I am not sure I can tolerate a CPAP. Just need some advice. I am sorry this is long- just really disappointed after my first consult with the sugeon. Thanks    — Jan S. (posted on January 7, 2003)

January 7, 2003
Jan, Please insist on a sleep study. It could save your life or just make it easier. It may take you awhile to get used to the CPAP, but you can do it. If your PCP won't order a study, go to a pulmonologist who should be able to set you up for a sleep study. Your surgeon needs to know if you have apnea. Your medical insurance should cover most or all of the cost of the study and the CPAP. If you have further questions e-mail me. Janis
   — Janis D.

January 7, 2003
I ditto all the posts below! Ginger Brewster was my best friend and I miss her dearly. It breaks my heart each day when I think that she would now be here with us if she had gotten treated for her sleep apnea before surgery.
   — Hackett

January 7, 2003
HI - I am new to this and I do have sleep apena.. I have tried the Cpap and I throw it off during the night. That is another reason I want to have this surger so hopefully the sleep apnea will go away as well as a few other medical problems. I need to understand, so if you have sleep apnea does it stop them from doing the surgery? Or do they just need to know about it first..
   — Sherri M.

January 7, 2003
This is the original poster. Thank you all for the response. I do have a referral put if for a sleep study. I now just to wait a few days for the approval letter from my insurance. I guess a little 'frightening responses' can go along way. It was very sad to read the profile that was suggested. Thank you again for 'knocking some sense into to me.'
   — Jan S.

January 8, 2003
Jan, I had undiagnosed sleep apnea for years. I would be driving and fall asleep. You can imagine what a scare that was! My doc at the time, didnt feel I had a serious case....excuse me. I changed docs and got a sleep study and guess what...they diagnosed me as having severe sleep apnea. I had to an operation to restructure my throat and sleep with a cpap machine and when I go into the hospital they put me on a ventilator at night as I tend to go without breathing 3-4 minutes at a time. To make my long story short, getting the cpap has given me the best nights sleep in years. Now I wont go anywhere overnight without my machine. It makes that big of a difference in my life. Now about your needing a sleep couldnt hurt. Good luck....Melanie
   — Melanie H.

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