Pills, crushing and hiding the horrible taste!

Just put on Prednizone today for an allergy, and will only be on it for four days. I tried crushing the pills and putting them in applesauce. YUCK! Any suggestions on something that will hide the bitterness? I'm still on a soft diet, to boot! Any help would be greatly appreciated!    — Jess S. (posted on January 9, 2003)

January 9, 2003
I have not tried this, but I am told V8 is great when it comes to this. Good Luck!
   — Jonathan F.

January 9, 2003
If you can't find anything to mask it, you may want to see if you can get it in liquid form like they give to kids. I believe that is the medicine my daughter was on when she had croup. It's a steroid right? Anyways, I know they gave her a flavored liquid to take. She didn't much like it but she was only on it 3 days so that wasn't too bad. Best of Luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 9, 2003
There shouldn't be a problem with you just taking the pill whole with a sip of water. Unless it is a horse pill or something. Anything that is the size of a aspirin should be fine.
   — Rebecca B.

January 9, 2003
I have had to take very high doses of prednisone due to asthma, I understand perfectly what you are saying about the taste. I take them with V-8 or tomatoe juice.
   — Wendy G.

January 9, 2003
If the pill isn't too big, another thing to try is to take it with a spoon full of applesauce or yogurt. I used to be able to take pills with water really easily, but even at 8 months out, I get them stuck. However, if I take a spoon of yogurt and then pop the pill in, I can swallow them both down without any problem.
   — garw

January 9, 2003
The only suggestion on here I didn't try was the V-8 juice. It sounds like it might cover the taste. I was on many, many pills when I first came home from the hospital and it took forever to get them down. We tried crushing them but I would gag and vomit. So my husband cut them down into smaller parts and I swallowed them. Nothing got stuck ever. Sorry you have to go through this --- the pills taste awful!!! Good luck on your weight loss!
   — Nell C.

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