Has anyone had or going to have surgery that has Agoraphobia?

I'm pre-op and I have Agoraphobia (fear of or being uncomfortable in public places and crowds), and I'm wondering how those of you who have it dealt with it before and after surgery. I don't leave the house too much anymore because I feel so self-conscious about my weight. I'm worried I won't be able to make it to the gym, or go grocery shopping for the special foods I need. My husband usually runs all the errands. If anyone with Agoraphobia can give me any advice, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!    — Heidi H. (posted on January 14, 2003)

January 13, 2003
Hi there, Heidi! I have been agoraphobic since, I think, I was born, I take Ativan for my anxiety, which helps with my phobias ( I have many others, like Xenophobia!). I have to mentally prepare whenever I go anywhere and expect there to be a larger number than 5. I did this for surgery, as well, I was in the ICU ( which was private) and then I had a private room, so besides the surgeon and nurses, I knew the only other ones that would come through my door were those I knew. Maybe you could request a private room and let them know the reasons why or if you're being treated by a Psych. they could help you out as well. Since surgery, it has been a little better, I go out shopping, but I am usually with my husband, if I start to get phobic or have a panic attack, he will comfort me. I still haven't ventured out to a gym, but when and if I do, I will make sure it is an all-ladies gym. If you have any other questions, please feel free to e-mail me. Vi open RNY 9/23/02 down 87 lbs.
   — Vi F.

January 19, 2003
I am an agoraphobic that has had success with medications helping to give back my life. I certainly understand your worries and concerns, however when I had my hysterectomy 5 years ago I did great because I was VERY upfront with everyone at the hospital and the meds they gave me for pain kept me more than calm enough. I will be having WLS on 02/12/2003 and it would be a lie to say I am not know the "What IF" type of people we are!! I plan on doing a lot of positive imaging and positive message giving to myself and that always helps. We tend to think we aren't capable of taking care of ourselves and that we need others to do that for us. Once you find that you can trust yourself, soothe yourself, and even encourage yourself it helps :) Best of Luck!!
   — Peggy B.

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