Looking for your input please.....

My Dr. Said that he dsnt use the NG tube or the vent when coming out of surgery. (unless needed) he also dsnt do a leak test. He said it's not always reliable since a leak can happen anytime and that I will know when and if it does. Does this sound right?????? Thanks Hugs    — luckyflowers (posted on January 14, 2003)

January 14, 2003
My surgeon didn't use them either. He had thousands of surgeries to his credit with a less then 1% mortality so I trusted him completely. He said every procedure needs to be evaluated case by case and do what is needed. I am six months out and have had no problems. I am just under 100 pounds loss.
   — Sue A.

January 14, 2003
My doctor didn't either cheryl. I had surgery in March 2002. I had no complications and I have lost 125 pds. So in my opinion you have nothing to worry about. God Bless!
   — Breakaway_1

January 14, 2003
my surgeon's technique differs from ur surgeon's only in that my surgeon does the leak test after the surgery but before he closes ur incision & he does leave the ng tube for 24 hours. it helps control any nausea from the anesthesia. in fact, he doesnt even have his patients do a bowel prep. he tells u to eat whatever u want for ur 'last' dinner & nothing by mouth after midnight. i loss 100 lbs in 9 mos & am now down 120 lbs in 13 mos. good luck & god bless u!
   — sheryl titone

January 14, 2003
My doctor does the leak test while he still has you open as well. I had another leak test on day 2 or 3 becauseof a persistent fever, otherwise I wouldn't have had one while I was awake. I had no NG tube when I woke up. Sounds fine to me!
   — PaulaM

January 14, 2003
My surgeon doesn't use the NG tube or vent either. She also doesn't require a bowel prep. The one thing she does do is a leak test the day after surgery. Patients are not allowed anything by mouth, even liquids, until the test is complete. I have friends who went to the same surgeon I did and they had NG tubes, but their surgeries were a couple years ago. I asked Dr. Lindsay about this, and she said she has come to find the NG tube not only uncomfortable to the patients, but completely unneccesary.
   — Jenny S.

January 14, 2003
No tube, no leak test, no problems.
   — Debby M.

January 14, 2003
No tube, no leak test, no problem.
   — Debby M.

January 14, 2003
I ate at Fudruckers the night before surgery, had an open RNY at 6:30am the next morning, no bowel prep, no drain, had a lovely HG tube in my nose and catheter at the other end. Had no leak test, and no water for about a day and a half, but the hospital made me eat pureed food before i left, to make sure i could eat. Been doing fine every since. Good luck.
   — keller W.

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