Are there any diets for quick weight loss??

I am scheduled for surgery in two weeks and I have gained 8lbs since my consultation. I am afraid that the Dr will cancel my surgery. Please help..    — Di S. (posted on January 16, 2003)

January 16, 2003
Before you put yourself in a panic, call your Dr.'s office and see if he has a problem with that, you don't even need to tell them your name, simply ask. You don't want to go on any crash fad diet that would put you in any harms way. My Dr. did require that I be on full liquids a few weeks prior to surgery (#1 you do lose and #2 keeps the bowels stress free). I was allowed anything as long as it was liquid (even malts) and I lost about 8 lbs. I also took my vitamins in case I was lacking in any one area. But the best bet is check with your Dr. It shouldn't matter, I gained weight between my initial visit and surgery, unless they specifically say something, they probably expect it. Good luck on your upcoming surgery!
   — Dana B.

January 16, 2003
My surgeon's nurse said some people gain as much as 30 lbs between the consultation and having surgery. Why would they cancel you? If you could lose weight you wouldn't need the surgery!
   — koogy

January 16, 2003
If you have one of those mean doctors that require you to lose a percent of weight before surgery, then the quickest diet I know of that works is Atkins.
   — Cindy R.

January 17, 2003
Susan, is right! but if you want quick weightt loss, get "T-lite" remember that? You lose 10lbs in 3 days. I loss about 70lbs, but of course I eventually gain the weight back. I always purchased mine at "RITE AIDS", for around $14.00 a bottle. Good Luck!!
   — JUNE P.

January 17, 2003
My dr gave us this diet to lose pre-op. Breakfast- slim fast, Lunch- lean cusine or healthy choice and Dinner- the same with a salad with low fat dressing. Its about 800 calories a day and works for a short fix, but not something you could for life.
   — Tawnda C.

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