What is MMPI-2??

I had my psych eval. done by a Dr on my Surgeons list. We talked for about 45 mins. He asked me a lot of questions. But I'm seeing on here a lot about the MMPI-2. I know it's a test but, is there a place where one can look to see what Q's are on it? I know I don't need it, because my psych eval approved me for surgery (no date yet) but, I am really curious as to what kinds of questions are on it. :-)    — KellyJeanB (posted on January 18, 2003)

January 17, 2003
I just took the MMPI yesterday. It is a standard personality test. Questions are "Most people would lie to get out of trouble" T/F "I would like to be a florist" T/F there are 537 questions and some are the same yet written different. There are questions about family, friends, spiders, fire. This test is see is you hear voices, are suicidal, think your being followed, want to hurt yourself or others. You can tell the questions that might get you into trouble. There are questions about liking your body. Becareful with those. A friend of mine who said she didn't like her body was told she had "issues with her body",, well no kidding !! There are two ways to take the test ... total honesty ... or with the mindset of a 40 year old man who is a wheat farmer in the 1940's. For instance the question about lying .. we all know most people will but to this man he wouldn't dream of someone lying, hence the answer False. Just beware of the absolute questions, always and never .. nothing in this life is absolute. Ok, there is my 2cents. Good luck it's not that bad.
   — Debra L.

January 17, 2003
Oh, just a 2nd thought.. I went into my interview thinking this person was my enemy because he/she could keep me from having the surgery I need. When I left I had a different opinion. This was a person who wanted to make sure I knew what I was doing and realized the life style changes and behavior modifications that have to made for the rest of your life. And the last question she asked me was "if you find you need therapy after surgery because you are having issues are you open to it?" Make sure this answer is a yes. Mine was and I was sincere. One last comment, she asked if my spouse was supporting me I told her he was behind me 99%. She said if a spouse is opposed to you having surgery she will not recommend it for you. Enough said .. I will get off my soapbox!!
   — Debra L.

January 17, 2003
Have you ever thought of harming yourself? Are people out to get you? I drink more than my family thinks I should. I would like to be a policeman. If I saw someone take somethings from my work- I wouldn't tell anyone. I would like to be a teacher. I 'd love to have an affair. etc etc. True or false questions to screen you out for Mental illness, alcholism, ability to function . It's 500 questions repeated in many differnt ways. I didn't pass with my first eval - she said I had eating issues. But I'm awaiting the results of my second opinion with a different Dr. - who only spoke on the surgery, changes in life style and relationships. His test was only 350 questions and you could tell it was to get rid of people involved with drinking too much. - Good Luck- Sally
   — Sally P.

January 17, 2003
From what I learned in my Psychology classes...these exams are NOT very accurate for the simple fact...most questions are asked in a way so that the "obvious" answer is "Do you want to harm others?" Common sense says, say no. These tests are easy to control by simply answering what you think the psychologist wants to hear. I've taken a number of these for can doctor the test any way you want...I've made myself insane just to see how accurate the tests were. lol...So keep in mind what the "normal" answer would be while you are taking it. Also, watch what you say when speaking about things...these doctor's are trained to read into the little comment. You don't want a comment like "Of course I enjoy food!" (who doesn't????) to be read to mean "This person is obessed with food." This is a COMMON mistake people make. But on the flip said saying "I hate food." Could also mean you are obessed with food... so BE CAREFUL. A good answer would be "I do enjoy food, but my life isn't controlled by it."
   — Renee B.

January 18, 2003
Had to add my 2 cents... I had a MMPI as part of my custody proceedings for my child...I was given advice on how to answer questions just as you are being given, but the best peice of advice is simply to be honest and straightforward. The psychologist who scored mine said that my answers showed that I was honest, and didn't try to hide things, and any answers that weren't text book perfect were completely understandable given my situation. A good psychologist takes those things into account....Hopefully you get a good one!
   — Kelly B.

January 18, 2003
Original poster here. Thank you all. But, I wasn't asking for advise, as the last person said. I've already gotten approval from my Psychologist. I just wondered what this MMPI test was. thank you :-)
   — KellyJeanB

January 18, 2003
It would be the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. Other posters gave you good examples of the type of questions on it. Best of everything!
   — Cathy K.

January 18, 2003
The questions on this test are short and seem silly. Questions like: "I would like to be a Forrest Ranger, I like to make flower bouquets, I feel others watch in hiding, I enjoy large groups of people" These questions are designed to pick out people that may have psychotic features, paranoia, or other diagnosable illnesses.
   — Michele B.

January 18, 2003
I just have to answer this, since I took this thing Friday and am quite upset about it. People say they can tell if you are faking, and I am thinking, how?? If the psych I had it with doesn't know me, how can he say I am faking or not? I answered everything truthfully, but I know how the psych "industry" is. They read way too much into everything. It bothers me. I'll just cross my fingers that it went well. *I* know that I am a stable person and am well informed about WLS and can handle having it. So do my family and friends, one of which who has had WLS. I asked the psych what it could tell about me, and he said depression, cynicism, etc. And I looked online for info on this, and found a site that has all possible scoring columns and the inconsistencies on this. How women tend to be more hysterical than men. How people my age (early 20s) tend to test more unstable than others (due to time of life, college, etc.) How people who have gone to college tend to test as more obsessive compulsive than those with less education, how the majority of people show some depression, even if they aren't "depressed." See for yourself... its really interesting, even if you have passed it... just to see how the thing works.
   — Erin Z.

January 18, 2003
I can't even find someone who will do my psych evaluation - but it's good to read these tidbits of advice... Thank you for posting! I just wonder about these career questions. What are they getting at with those? I would noever want to be a policman - ok, maybe, but that's not my style. Nor would I want to be a forest ranger.... for many reasons that may not center around the core issue they may be getting at. Like, I like trees and the outdoors - but not that much ;-) Anyway, if anyone has some thoughts on that, I'm curious.
   — w8free

January 19, 2003
Elizabeth, in answer to your question... those things about forest rangers and policeman are used to produce one of the scales... masculinity/femininity scale. It was originally made to determine if men were homosexual. I think that it is ludicrous that it is still in there, because it implies that homosexuality is a mental illness. My best friend in high school was gay... and it is not a mental illness. As for women, it is used to see if they reject notions of traditional female roles. Why it is in a mental health test is beyond me. Again, just another thing that shows that psychs read into things that aren't even there. Like if I consider myself feminist I am unstable. Geez.
   — Erin Z.

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