I have pain from the left side of my belly button that continues to the left

I have pain from the left side of my belly button that continues to the left around to my back. The pain is not constant, it comes and goes based on movement or the way I sit. I don't seem to find any lumps in the area. I am 10 days post lap RNY and it doesn't seem to be gettinfg better. Is this normal and I'm just over-reacting.    — Dave B. (posted on January 26, 2003)

January 26, 2003
I had a similar problem a month after surgery and mine was a UTI(urinary tract infection). But I suggest you call your doc 1st thing Monday.
   — Angie L.

January 26, 2003
I know exactly what you are talking about I had the SAME pain, I am not quite 3 weeks out, but I ended up back at my docs office last week, and he said I was having muscle spasms, I didn't believe him at that point cause I had never had pain so severe, but he put me on some muscle relaxers and suggested I used a heating pad, 3 days later... hmmm pain was GONE... i still have a little soreness but NOTHING like it was... could he have been right? lol Judi
   — Judi S.

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