I am trying so hard to stick with eating mostly protein, but frankly, I'm

sick to death of it. I do two protein shakes a day (approx 60 grams total), and would prefer not to eat a lot of protein in addition because I really don't like it. Anyone else going through this? I'm 15 months post-op.    — scottiemaam O. (posted on February 4, 2003)

February 4, 2003
I would ditch the shakes at 15 months post-op and eat food. There are lots of protein foods besides meat if that is a problem. I eat lots of fish, seafood, cheese, yogurt and tofu. And if you like it-beans, chili, edamame( soy beans),eggs. A great snack is Lean Protein bites(13 gm\serving) available at Good Luck! Glenna Post-op 9/10/02 -100lbs!!!
   — Glenna L.

February 4, 2003
I go through phases where I don't want to eat any protien. During those times I rely only on my supplements. I have not had any problems, my labs and loss are perfect. Variety is the spice of life, and as long as you are taking care of yourself, I see no reason to be super-strict with food. I personally did not have this surgery to spend the rest of my life on a diet. I pretty much eat what I want. Sometimes something doesn't agree with me, but I learn and go on. I am 2 1/2 years postop.
   — Cara F.

February 4, 2003
Ann, I totally understand what your saying, I to get tired of feeling like I have to diet after going through such a traumatic surgery to lose weight, and eating protien till it comes out of my ears, so what i do is compermise with myself, I eat protien but i eat what i want also, and go with the flow, as the prev poster stated if it dosnt agree with me then i know its a no no and if it does i go with it....I have lost a total of 130 pnds and feeling awesome. so i feel im part of the success stories...good luck!
   — Deanna Wise

February 4, 2003
I understand what you mean. And coming from a person who ONLY ate carbs pre-op, it's been a little hard for me. do you like cheese? That is a good source of protein for me, I eat some everyday. I'm sure there are people who would disagree with some of the things I eat, but I've lost over 100lbs. in 8 months and am 15 away from my goal of being 130lbs. I liek chicken, but didn't eat beef until post-op b/c my body needed it. I do eat carbs though, not a ton, but I don't deprive myself of everything b/c then I'd just be on another strict diet. Like if I want spaghetti, I will have a tiny bit, but melt mozzarella cheese over it, so there is protein. If I crave a nacho, I fix 3 nachos with cheese and beans, so there is protein. I'll eat grilled cheese with 1/2 slice of bread. I drink milk for protein as well, everyday. Again, not saying everyone has to agree or approve, or that I eat this stuff everyday, but this works for me so I don't feel like I'm going crazy. I've lost alot of weight and work out 4 times a day, so i feel like I'm doing good. Goodluck to you, don't feel like you have to be totally deprived of everything!
   — Lezlie Y.

February 4, 2003
Preop I doing 1 or 2 protein shakes a day and was eating 3-4 small meals that were about 60% protein with about 40% "good" carbs (low glycemic, certain fruits, certain veggies, yams, baked potatoes) with the occasional bread food thrown in (protein pancakes that sort of thing). I plan to return to this once I am exercising regularly and can tolerate more foods (I am just 4 weeks postop today). I will never do the all protein thing but will make sure I get that in first and continue to do the protein shakes.
   — susanje

February 4, 2003
I'm trying my best (ha, ha) to follow the diet that the surgeon gave me, and so far it's working pretty well...but it doesn't include protein shakes. I just eat regular old food, just less of it and make sure I have protein at every meal. Is the doc telling you to follow such a regimen? And I have to say -- I'm doing fine, having exceptional weight loss (104 lbs at 8 mos out), exercise a lot, and do weights. So maybe it's time to ditch the shakes -- especially at 15 mos.
   — Karen B.

February 4, 2003
I'm with ya. Never was a huge meat eater. I DO eat meat, but I don't want to HAVE to eat meat. Fish is not even up for discussion (ewwww). My protein is chocolate, always will be, as far as I can see, and I like it that way. My meals tend to be veggie centered, pretty much. that's what I like & the protein is more than covered with my many shakes per day. I don't WANT to be food focused, always worrying about what I HAVE to eat. That was not freedom for me, either. I avoid milk & sugar, eat regular food. Basic 8 elements are provided via supplements. I'm free.
   — vitalady

February 4, 2003
I had the same problem - I started eating protein bars that I found from GNC - They are called Nitro-tech, and each bar contains 30 -35 grams of protein, and only 5-6 grams of carbs. The peanut butter one is especially good. Best of luck.
   — GPoynor

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