Am having right side pain but scheduled for gall bladder removal during RNY on 3/20.

After reading some of your most helpful answers to Kim's recent gallbladder question I really feel that my pain is a result of my gallbladder as well. I have been going to the Dr. for six months due to pain in my right side just underneath my rib cage. The pain varies in intensity but is rarely SEVERE, mostly uncomfortable. The pain also waxes and wains. I had my gallbladder sonogramed; however, they did not find any stones, only a hemangioma on my liver. They wanted to do an abdominal CT but due to previous anaphylactic reaction to CT dye I couldn't have it done. They need to use the dye to detect what they are looking for. Anyway....I was wondering if I should investigate more or just wait and have it removed during my RNY. I'm not sure how dangerous it can be to wait. I feel that as long as the pain isn't too intense that I would just wait. What do you think? Thanks in advance for any suggestions! 43 days to go!!!!    — denisel (posted on February 5, 2003)

February 5, 2003
Just to confer with the last post- If you're sceduled for surgery, you don't want anything to postpone it. So call the Dr. to let him know while you have the time. By the way- I also had right sided pain and they found mothing until I was in alot of pain. Turned out I had a Kidney Stone - so keep that possibility in mind. Drink lots of water!- Sally, Harrison, MI (3-26-03)
   — Sally P.

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