wondering what people think 3 weeks postop..i had open distal rny..i was on soft food by day 3 after surgery so i have been eating normally almost rite away..i can eat ALOT..i think 9 oz was the most so far a whole lean cuisine..nothin makes me sick really except sugar does and overeating..i have lost 15 pounds..i have talked to my DR he says everyones tummys are different and im ok..i can eat bread and veggies and everything pretty much except sugar which i avoid kinda stumped now coz i was hopin for some help in avoidin foods but my body just doesnt seem affected much by the surgery so now im just afraid im gonna fail coz i dont know what to eat really afraid im just gonna eat too much and not lose any more i bein crazy?    — christine S. (posted on February 10, 2003)

February 10, 2003
Your pouch capacity may be greater than most at three weeks, but pouch size isn't the only issue -- it's what you put IN the pouch that matters. Are you living by the "Protein First" rule? You should be. Use protein shakes if meats aren't sitting quite right yet. Try to fill up on denser, protein foods first, instead of carbs. Good luck!
   — Suzy C.

February 10, 2003
Ask your doctor how big he made the pouch-they do vary in size. Mine was just a few ounces and when I ate 3/4 of a Lean Cuisine and told my surgeon that at 3 months post-op, he sent me for an upper GI as he said that was way too much. Turned out, that the food filled my pouch and then up the esophagus. That give me an extra few ounces and I just got used to a filled esophagus as that full feeling. I had to consciously eat less at each meal. If your doc is not worried, then you should be OK-but ask.
   — Cindy R.

October 5, 2003
I found this on the web. It gives the Rules for the Pouch. Makes a lot of sense, too. Here's the address: Hope it helps someone. I'm eager to find out if it works!!! I'm Pre-Op GOD BLESS & remember: Love others from the inside OUT.
   — Rhonda C.

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