Can anyone tell me how to calculate how many miles I have walked?

My friend and I both have pedometers, but for some reason even though our steps are close, the miles are not. Can anyone suggest a website that can help us to calculate the mileage based on the steps or any other way to calculate how many miles we have walked. I think my pedometer is right and hoping to win the bet. Thanks. :-)    — sharon E. (posted on February 10, 2003)

February 10, 2003
Timex has an awesome watch that has built in GPS that will tell you how fast and how far you have traveled. It's pricy but might be something you would be interested in. Check out their promo page for the Timex Ironman at <p> <p> Take Care, Be Well, and Be Happy!
   — John T.

February 10, 2003
Sharon, you can buy a rather inexpensive pedometer for less than $20 at a sports supply store, that's what I use to measure miles walked and/or steps taken. I clip it to whatever I'm wearing at the beginning of each day (especially at work) and by the end of the day I oftentimes have anywhere from 2.5 to 5.86 miles that I have walked on a daily basis. It really comes in handy!!
   — yourdivaness

February 11, 2003
I bought an inexpensive pedometer at wal-mart. It came with a tape measure to measure your stride. You then enter it in the pedometer. Perhaps that's what makes the difference in distance between you and your friend.
   — Robin J.

February 11, 2003
Thanks for the responses, but I do have a pedometer and I have measured my step and my walking partner has done the same with her pedometer and our step is the same but we both get different readings for the mileage. When I say different I mean different, her reading is more than twice mine and we can not figure out why there is such a big difference. Our number of steps are almost the same but the miles just does not add up. We are trying to figure our which one has the most correct miles. Thanks.
   — sharon E.

February 14, 2003
Here's a low-tech idea. First time yourself walking at your normal pace over a distance that you know is one mile. Then use the amount of time walked as a good rough estimate of your total distance. For instance, I walk a mile in 18-19 minutes, so I consider every 20 minutes I walk to be one mile.
   — sjwilde

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