Any advice for getting those last 20 lbs off?

I am 14 months Post RNY and have lost 120 ish. I've got another 20 lbs to get to my doctor's goal but I'd like to get 10 lbs lower than that. The problem is I haven't lost anything in the last 4 months! I've just lost the focus that I had in the beginning! I'm not exercising like I did in the beginning because of scheduling conflicts. In the beginning I made everyone's world revolve around me but with kids, that's hard to continue to do! I'm struggling to eat "right" now because my stomach is so much less finicky. In the beginning food either hurt or didn't appeal to me. I really didn't have an appetite! Now I can eat like a "normal" person so I have to really try to watch what I eat! After the first rough part where I was in pain, this loosing process was neat because I got those "rewards" every time I stepped on the scale. The scales quit budging and I quit working so hard at it! I realize that the surgery was on my stomach and not my head but I'm just having a hard time getting my head back into the game. I guess what I'd like to know is did any one else out there struggle to "finish the job" and if you did, what helped you to refocus? Even though I've succeded by loosing so much weight, I don't feel like I've "won" because I am still overweight. This honestly feels like another failed diet attempt (like the hundreds of failures before WLS)    — Barbi B. (posted on February 11, 2003)

February 11, 2003
Woah, hold the phone!!! You haven't re-gained, right? Then this isn't another failed diet attempt! And that's a huge accomplishment right there. This is just a stall in your progress. But I read your profile, and it says you spent a month with your mom recently and *didn't* gain weight. Another big milestone right there!<P>Seriously, now's the time to work your pouch. Protein first, ditch the "bad" carbs (or at least limit them for a jump-start to see how you feel), get your water in, get back into exercise again. You can't be all things to all people if you don't take care of yourself first, so that you're well enough to BE all things to them, lol! And sit yourself down and accept that these changes have to be permanent and that the job is never finished for former M.O.'s like us -- but at least now, we have a tool to use (the pouch) that we never had before. Good luck!!!
   — Suzy C.

February 11, 2003
Barbi I'm sending you a huge note of encouragement. We could be twins!!! I'm almost 17mos post op, have about 17 more to get to my docs goal, and have been on a plateau for 14weeks. My family has always been supportive, but I'm sure they're just plain tired of hearing about WLS. But lets not give up on us cause we still have the tools we just need to get back the "mindset". My mantra has always been <b>nothing tastes as good as thin feels</b>, but you're right the farther out you get the harder it is to have that same focus. Wish I could offer the magic words to help you get back on track (of course I'd use 'em too!!) We need to depend on eachother here for a boost of support. We haven't failed Barbi, we just need to get back to the basics and know that its OK to go through these periods cause its all part of this incredible journey.
   — Denise W.

February 11, 2003
At just over a year post-op and struggling to get off the last 10 or so, I can relate. But there is no magic solution. The beginning part was fun, the weight fell off, the scale was our friend and a delight, the clothing sizes just kept going down and down...well, remember the part about the pouch is a tool, that we kinda ignored? Its unfortunately time to use the tool and until we make up our minds to work it correctly, the weight loss will probably not go down further and may even go up! Yikes! Your definitely not a failure and this surgery is different from the past, and with the tool, it will be easier to lose and maintain even now. But it will require work on our end to make it happen. You ask what helps you to refocus? The question is, how bad do you want it?? Bad enough to buckle down and work a little? If so, you will find the time to exercise, even with the kids-make them walk with you! Buy a treadmill and put it in front of the tv and watch TV while you walk (this is my form of exercise!). And get rid of the carbs/bad foods in the home-the kids don't need that anyways. You can do this, it will just take some work. You can do it!
   — Cindy R.

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