HELP! Is this the flu or maybe my thyroid or what

I don't know what to do, but I can't keep feeling like this. Last weekend all I really wanted to do was sleep. I was also a little nauseaus. I thought I might be coming down with the flu, but now I'm not sure. It's 6 days later and I don't feel too much better. I'm sleepy, nauseaus, I haven't been able to drink diet coke (which is usually the only thing that gets me going in the am) because of the nausea. I'm having problems with certain foods causing nausea also. The biggest things are terrible headaches, dizzines, and sensitivity to light. It's like it almost hurts to open my eyes all the way. If I had to compare it to something I'd have to say I feel like I have a terrible hangover. I am 16 weeks out and have not really had any complications. Since the surgery I have had to have my thyroid medicine increased from .1 to .112. Does this sound like the flu, too much or not enough synthroid or something else. I can't keep feeling like this and I can't miss any more work. HELP! I forgot to mention, I quit taking my paxil about two weeks ago because I felt like it wasn't relieving my anxiety.    — Kim F. (posted on February 13, 2003)

February 13, 2003

   — Maggie M.

February 13, 2003
Since its been 6 days and you have a variety of symptoms including sensitivity to light and dizziness. I would see your doctor for sure. 6 days is a long time to have those type of symptoms without being checked out. Good Luck!
   — ZZ S.

February 13, 2003
Sounds like the mirgaine headache I used to suffer from until my doctor gave me Zomig. These headaches can last for a week. Ask your doctor for help.
   — barbara A.

February 13, 2003
It could very well be the flu or it could be some sort of vitamin deficiency. I know lack of iron causes dizziness and fatigue and B12 could do make you feel weird if you are not getting enough. I also am hypothroidism and when I don't take my medicine (when I was young and stupid) I would feel exhausted and depressed, never did I experience dizziness. Your best bet would be to call your doctors office and make sure you are getting in you vit. Good Luck!! **kelly
   — Kelly T.

February 13, 2003
You may be suffering from caffeine withdrawal or a migraine headache. I would check with your doc at any rate.
   — koogy

February 13, 2003
I also take Paxil and getting off prescription medication is very hard. Depending on how long you've been taking it, you can have mild to sever with drawl. I get a buzzing feeling in my head when I move when I miss or tried to quit. One thing I have read is that you shouldn't try to get off prescription medications with out doing a gradual step down under doctor's supervison. My PCP never told me this and I tried to quit when I was pregnant. I would try taking it again to see if releaves your symptoms, if not call the surgeon. Good luck
   — Michelle K.

February 13, 2003
hi kim - i was taking paxil for quite awhile , just recently was switched to zoloft (gained alot of weight w/paxil 40/50 pds) and when i did not get my prescription filled and ran out , i suffered . all the signs you have . you can't just stop taking the med. cold turkey , you have to wean down . i ran out afew times and learned my lesson , cause even when i did start taking itt again , it might take acouple days to get in my system and get me going again . stopping that medicine cold turkey was horrible . if this is what you did , start taking it again and wean yourself down on the dosage or call your dr. and see what he says . since you have been off for awhile . but if you were taking it for awhile..... ???? i would call my dr. and see what he says . i don't think it is the flu or a cold , i HAVE been through the same thing when i ran out of paxil , it really sucks . that is a very strong medicine ..if you find out this was the problem , email me and let me know ..... good luck
   — patti G.

February 14, 2003
It could be a bunch of things. 1) start the Paxil back up. ALL antidepressants are addictive long term & cannot be stopped cold turkey. You get withdrawal and worse depression than you started with. The time frame of symptoms sounds about right for the 1/2 life of Paxil 2) Go to your Dr. if the symptoms don't decrease in a couple days.
   — Donna O.

February 14, 2003
just wanted to clarify ...anti-depressents are NOT say they are addictive is to insinuate that they are phisicaly and mentaly NEEDED they are not.... you do not have to have a anitdepreseent "FIX" as you would a addictive just shouldnt not go cold turkey off of them becausse of the way they are processed in your boddy and must be slowly brought down....but this is NOT addiction. i wanted to clarify that so as not to scare anyone whom may need to begin taking antiddepressesnt and are scared that they will become "addicted"..and therefore Not seek treatment. this medicine is no different the blood pressure meds ...if you take them long term your body stops producing what it need to control its own pressure so in a sense you become depended on it but not ADDICTED!!! however you can stop antidepresssent if done properly under a doctors care in a step down fassion...just like how they increase it slowly they will decrease it slowly...also how long were you on is an acumlitive drug and may take several weeks or even months to get full releif from your symptoms!
   — bekka K.

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