This is more of a comment, but if you are looking for a stainless steel

medical ID bracelet but you don't want to spend a fortune, go to your local Walgreens. They have their own brand that is engraved off property. I found mine for $9.95 (and that includes the shipping...its sent right to your house). I plan to take the bracelet part off and make my own bracelet from pretty beads. Does anyone know of a less expensive one. Jessica -82.4 lbs in 4 months    — Jessica D (posted on March 14, 2003)

March 13, 2003
Hi- I got mine from a web site called They are premium grade stainless steel, delivered with in a few days, and cost me under $6.00 total for each procuct. Actually I got a necklace and braclet-engraved-shipped- for under $12.00- I thought they were nice. I am very happy with them. Check it out.
   — Jan S.

March 14, 2003
Question...what do we have written on the bracelet? Thanks!
   — Renee B.

March 14, 2003
In our support group, the following was suggested by the nurses and EMT's of the group. 1. Get a braclet-health workers often miss pendants and other types of jewelry. 2. Avoid fancy, pretty types that aren't obviously med-alert...they too can be missed as "just jewelry". 3. Depending on space, things to have on braclet should include "WLS-no NG tube without endoscope". 4. Although the cost is higher, the Medic-Alert brand of braclets cost about $35 to join and get a braclet and for your first year, and $15 a year after that, and they will keep all your medical information on file and emergency workers can call the # on your braclet to get full medical info on you, including your doctors, family contacts, history, etc. This is especially good for those with little family in the area, or those who travel, you don't leave anything to chance.
   — Kelly B.

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