Could This Pain Be Due To Adhesions?

In October I made a trip to the ER with severe abdominal pain. After X-Rays, CT scan and a night in the hospital they sent me home with no answers. At my follow up with my PCP she told me I was "full of poop". She and my surgeon suggested adding a fiber supplement to my diet which I did. Three weeks ago I went back to the ER with more excrutiating pain. The only thing they saw was that my colon was 2/3 full. They sent me home with some magnesium citrate and Milk of Magnesia. I think I am now "cleaned out". My surgeon told me to stop taking my iron supplements for now. I was taking 650 mg of ferrous sulfate a day. Unfortunately I am still experiencing pain. Occasionally I have bouts of the dry heaves without any warning and I have fairly constant sharp pain under my rib cage, and dull pain just above my pubic area and in through my lower back. I DO NOT have my gall bladder and they did not see any kidney stones. (I have had those before and it doesn't feel the same). The only other thing to add is that I have not had a period since November 5 and I am not pregnant. I am 42 and could possibly be going through menopause (my mom and sisters went through it in their mid 40's). Could this be adhesions? Any other thoughts on what this might be?? I hate to think that I am going to feel like this for the rest of my life. I am down to my goal and otherwise feel terrific!    — Debbi C. (posted on March 23, 2003)

June 12, 2003
Did you have an upper/lower GI? Did you have a consult with a gastroenterologist and your bariatric surgeon? I just had open surgery for adhesions and I am 18 mos post-op. I lived with the pain for 2 days before I finally drive myself to the emergency room at 1:30 in the morning. Pain is a sign that something is wrong! My tests were simply irregular but my surgeon said when he opened me up, I was a MESS! Good luck.
   — Ellen H.

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