Why shouldn't we crush ALL our meds post op?

Hi! Just wanted to mention that some meds are time released.So it's a good idea to check on this first before you crush or break them in half.As I was swallowing an antidepressant, I accidentally bit into it and crushed it.I felt nauseous and "strange" for 2 days afterwards.My doc said that it was because it was a timed release pill.    — jennifer A. (posted on March 24, 2003)

March 24, 2003
Hi, I remember when I came home from my wls. I asked about how was I going to take all of my pills (I had about 13 before I went in) The surgeon said just take them. (I didn't crush them at all.) I really couldn't so I just picked out the important ones, sugar, high blood, and my vitamin. and took them. It wasn't to bad.
   — Naes Wls J.

March 24, 2003
it has been brought up here and in my own support group by my doctor that rny'ers shouldn't even be taking 'time-released meds. but as always all the docs are different. You are right, timed-released meds should not ever be crushed. As far as after surgery, it has something to do with the way we are unable to break them down in our new pouches. Some technical terms I don't know well enough to explain.
   — Delores S.

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