6 Months Post Op, Questions about Depression and Failure

I had my surgery Oct 2, 2002, so that means the 2nd of next month is 6 months post-op. I swear I feel like im back to ALL my old habits. I never feel full. I never have from day one gotten sick from anything. I have been in a very depressed mood because Im feeling like a failure once again. Todate I have lost 88 pounds and I am so very happy with that. I would still like to lose another 86 pounds. I am wondering if anyone else has been in my situation, and if so what did you do to help your self. I just printed the pouch rules for dummies so I'm going to read that after this post. I need some help really bad. If not help maybe some answers that will make me feel as though I'm not going to fail. I sure hope im making sense because im feeling confused right now. Thanks to anyone who may be able to help me    — Schatzie1 (posted on March 30, 2003)

March 30, 2003
Rose, we are surgery buddies! My surgery was 10/8/02. 88 lbs. in six months is NOT a failure! I have problems with thinking I'm eating too much, too, but I know I'm not--I track my food daily at My calories are low, and I know I won't EVER AGAIN get close to eating the 3,000-5,000 calories I was probably downing before surgery. The surgery is already working for you, and it will continue to work if you use your tool wisely. If you don't have a support group, try to find one. It's very important to have the support of friends who are going through the same things you are. Feel free to e-mail me, surgery buddy! :-)
   — Want2bslim

March 30, 2003
Rose, first let me congratulate you on truly excellent weight loss. You've lost alot in a little amount of time- an dI'm glad you are happy about it, but you should be proud of yourself as well! I think many of us deal with these issues post-op. Although we all know this is a tool, I think some of us hoped it would fix our head, too. But unfortunately it doesn't and we have to still battle some of our old demons that made us fat in the first place. Do you think you are consuming too much or are you snacking alot? After the first 6 months, you will eat more, so don't worry ahout that. Also, the loss will slow down a bit, but that is to be expected, so try not to get frustrated. It's just our bodies catching up really and they need a break! Do you count your calories? I have since about 6 months and find that is very helpful. I know I can keep it to 1200 a day while exercising 4 times a week and I will lose weight. If I eat 1500 a day, I will stay where I am. I suggest getting a support group as well, maybe a therapist? There are some emotional issues to deal with and we have to combat our eating problems so we can stay lower weights and stay healthy. I fear all the time that I will fail. You are not alone. But eat your protein, drink your water, exercise and you should really be fine. Goodluck to you- wish you the best!
   — Lezlie Y.

March 30, 2003
No one is ever a failure, please please believe that !! Have you talked to your doctor about your depression, there are things you can take to help no one should ever suffer. Do you have a support group you can go to ? They are wonderful. I run a support group, I know the power of it, and it is awesome. I still have some of my bad habits, I love pretzels and crackers, and yes I still eat them and some days probably more than I should, I do try to balance it out with exercise, and that is also a great depression buster. Your weight loss is fantastic, and I bet you feel so much better and are able to do so much more. Don't beat yourself up, sit back and enjoy your new lease on life.
   — domestic G.

March 30, 2003
Please dont give up!!! I had my LAP-RNY on October 8th, so our dates are very close. Your weight loss is great!!! I have lost 97 to date and feel that this was the single most wonderful thing I have ever done in my life FOR MYSELF. I am now able, for the most part to go to a department store and buy clothing. I cannot believe I bought 2 Claiborne shirts for myself. Think positive. If there is anything I can do for you, email at [email protected].
   — Steve B.

March 30, 2003
First of all, you are doing just fine. It is normal to be able to eat more at 6 months post op. I think the suggestions about support groups and possibly seeing a therapist are both good. If you decide to see a therapist try to find one who specializes in eating disorders. Remember that compulsive overeating is as much an eating disorder as anorexia and bulimia. There is a website which lists eating disorders therapists by state. You might want to look there for someone in your area. This is the URL for it.
   — garw

March 30, 2003
Rose, I just read your profile and one thing I noticed was that for the past few months you have been noting that you have felt depressed and you didn't know why. We could write to you all day and say, "hey, great weight loss" and "you are not a failure" but if you don't see that, then we are not much help to you. Your exhibiting the classic signs of depression. Please go to your doctor and ask for some medication. I have a very close friend and a family member who were depressed for years-just a few short weeks after starting medication, they were new people, and both said they felt so "free" from the weight of depression. Please get help, there is no need for you to struggle and feel like a failure when you are obviously not a failure.
   — Cindy R.

March 30, 2003
Rose, I am 7 1/2 mos out down 104lbs, I rarely feel full and can eat anything. I also don't dump. I will share with you a secret that my Nutrionist has shared with me that WORKS 100%, drink drink drink and drink somemore water, etc right up to 5 minutes before you eat! If you do this, you will water log yourself and you won't be able to eat as much. It works, I promise! Good Luck. Heather (Open RNY 8/15 305/201/150)
   — heathercross

March 31, 2003
I am 6mo post-op and have lost 106# and I never wanted to eat until thispast month and now that im eating more foods and feeling hungry I ave come to a plateau for 3 weeks and ive been having such bad emotions over that when I know I should be happy and thankful. Just keep on going...I noticed im still losing inches even though the weight has slowed down and im trying to watch how many times I eat. Good luck!
   — Sandy M.

March 31, 2003
Hello, I think that you are being too hard on yourself easy for me to say but I am not you. I had my surgery on the 20th of September. I have only lost in the 60 pound range even with a Lap rny distal. I have recently started to exercise and I feel good about it. Although, I could cry when the scale is not moving. I to am starting to get depressed and my anxiety is now back as well. I am thinking about going to get some help. I wish you luck and give yourself the credit you deserve! Take Care!
   — train

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