Am i waiting too long to eat my meals...

I usually wait till i am soo hungary before i eat.. i dont eat too fast or over eat but by 30-minutes after i eat i feel bloated and gasey.. i am on nexium again 3 months now due to gerds coming back.. . but it doesnt feel like a acid problem as much as a gas problem. any help /advice would be appriceated.. 5 months POst-op down 82# ...22 to go:) and feeling great otherwise:)    — brandy H. (posted on March 31, 2003)

March 31, 2003
Approx how long are you waiting between meals? Keep in mind that it is actually a good thing to eat frequently, as long as the amounts are small and good for you foods. By doing so, you "fuel" your body to continue burning those calories. By starving your body, your telling it to hoard those extra calories because it doesn't know when you will feed it again. Sorry, can't help you on the gas thing except to ask you if you are eating gasy types of food that may cause gas.
   — Cindy R.

March 31, 2003
Eat 3 meals a day that are spaced 5-6 hours apart is what I have been told.
   — barbara A.

March 31, 2003
There are differing opinions among surgeons and/or nutritionists on how often your should eat. My surgeon and nutritionist both are of the opinion that we should eat like diabetics eat (in fact, I am a diabetic still - just controlling with diet and exercise instead of medication). That is 5-6 small meals daily - spaced about 2-3 hours apart during waking hours. This is to keep the blood glucose levels more constant during the day and to prevent the increased hunger that low blood glucose levels can bring...JR
   — John Rushton

March 31, 2003
I try to eat about every 2-3 hours. Not much, but something. My afternoon snack might be 4 oz of cottage cheese or yogurt. I have a problem waiting 5-6 hours between meals - I get too hungry and eat too much and feel uncomfortable. Try eating something about every 2-3 hours.
   — koogy

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