Do we look like balloons the next day after surgery?

I heard that a lot of fluids are pumped into you during surgery and the next day your whole body is all swollen and you look like a balloon.    — Gail O. (posted on April 3, 2003)

April 3, 2003
Well, being fat we already look like balloons going into surgery. But, yes you do gain weight in the hospital from all of the IV's and pain meds. I didn't really notice much, and you may not because we are so doped up that you aren't really caring about what you look like. You're more concerned about whether or not you'll have to call the nurse in to wipe your hiney or if you will be able to reach for yourself.
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 3, 2003
I didn't swell up from the I.V.s. I think this is something that varies from person to person.
   — Cheryl D.

April 3, 2003
You know, I don't remember looking like balloons while I was in the hospital. There is a lot of fluid from the IVs, etc, though. I remember having to get up every hour on the hour to go to the bathroom. Like a previous poster, I, too, was on pain meds (morpine pump) to care about what I looked like. Although, it is my personal opinion, from being a prior nursing assistant, that hardly anyone looks good while they are in the hospital. You will be fine. Don't worry. Let the Lord handle things for you. Good luck on your journey! Daphine
   — Daphine C.

April 3, 2003
I gained 14 pounds in the hospital which was gone within 2-3 days. Everyone who came to visit me could not believe that I had even had surgery. I looked like me even with all the fluid. Scary to think of really. My kids (8&11) were totally not freaked out and though that I looked fine.
   — Carol S.

April 3, 2003
I gained 11# in the hsp. Felt like the Michelin man. Could not believe I went through all of this (pre op testing, insurance etc) and then surgery and I gained 11#. But it comes off quickly. Good luck on your surgery
   — Stacey F.

April 3, 2003
No, not everyone gains weight in the hospital. Since I had been on a diet (my ins. had me lose 10% of my weight before surgery) for three months beforehand, I actually lost 6 lbs. while I was in the hospital.
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 3, 2003
Not at all - at least I never swelled up at all. I did have 'gas' pains in my sholders and lowe abdomen, but nothing bad at all - I just felt them there. Andrea
   — alsoarty

April 3, 2003
I was blown up like a balloon!!! My surgeon gives sooo much fluids they put the IV in your neck because the veins in you arms can't handle the volume. I remember the day after my surgery I looked at my hands and said to my husband that they must have given me some funky pain killers my fingers and hands looked like balloons. He said no that is the way you really look. I got a mirror and just about died when I saw myself. To make it worse I got on the scale and had gained 14 pounds in one day. Good news is it was all gone in about a week and 6 months later I was wearing a 4.
   — Linda A.

April 3, 2003
Not everyone gains weight in the hospital. I didn't but I felt so ugly. i DID NOT EVEN HAVE THE BLOATED FEELING. wITH OPEN, THEY DON'T PUMP YOU UP THE WAY THEY do for lap. Excuse the caps. My key hung.
   — Delores S.

April 3, 2003
I did not gain any water weight in the hospital.
   — SarahC

April 3, 2003
First of all the gas they use to pump up your abdomen for LAP has nothing to do with the fluid they pump through you so you do not get dehydrated and to keep your kidneys working. A person who has open won't have the gas but can still retain a lot of fluid. The gas tends to settle up in your shoulders and causes pain there. You may still have some tenderness and bloating in your abdomen if you have LAP. However, fluid retention is typically throughout your body tissues. Like some said they didn't retain fluid. I for one gained 17 lbs, but my surgeon is pretty bent on pumping fluid through to keep our kidney's working since laying on them during surgery can have a very adverse effect otherwise. I think they pulled my IV on day 3 but I would not swear to it.
   — zoedogcbr

April 3, 2003
Gail, my experience was different, I did not have much gas during my hospital stay and did not pass any I weighed exactally the same as I did when I went in. But now the gas is here w/a vengance. We will all look and feel differently, I know the hospitals gowns also don't make us look any better either.
   — Heather S.

April 3, 2003
I gained 18 pounds during my 3 day hospital stay, due to all the fluid going in. I wore the same clothes home that I wore to the hospital, but EVERYTHING was tight... I could not even wear my underwear on the trip home! Even my shoes felt tight. I am not sure how fast that fluid came off, because I did not have a scale at home at first. But I would say within a week, it was all gone.
   — Sheryl W.

April 4, 2003
I came home with an extra 15 lbs of fluid after my 2 day stay. I felt like my skin was 2 sizes too small for a few days. I didn't look too bad - just more rotund than normal. Thank heavens it went away in a few days.
   — koogy

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