Does anyone know where I can get a binder that is not bulky?

I'm pre-op but trying to get organized here! I work in an office and I don't wear coats or blazers. Is there anyplace to purchase a binder that isn't going to be like putting on football gear?    — beeda (posted on April 8, 2003)

April 8, 2003
before going out and getting a binder, check with your doctor. it might not be in the post op plan of care. on the other hand if it is get the dr to write an rx so your insurance will cover the expense.
   — nan K.

April 9, 2003
The hospital provided my binder. I didn't think it was overly bulky, but anything heavy enough to provide support & be adjustable probably will *have* to be somewhat bulky, you know? However, that said, by the time I was ready to return to work (a little over 2 weeks post-op), I hadn't worn my binder for quite awhile. So, wearing a binder under your work clothes might not necessarily be a concern.
   — Laurie A.

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