What is this bubbling waves of pain in my stomach?

I have been experiencing pain in my stomach once a week. Its a pain that gets stronger in waves. I hear a bubbly sound in my stomach. I feel like I have to run to the bathroom and the urgency to throw up. Does anybody know what this is or is it happening to them? Thanks, Beth    — Elizabeth C. (posted on April 10, 2003)

April 10, 2003
ELizabeth, when you say you feel like you have to run to the bathroom- do you actually? I mean do you have a BM or have to throw-up? I get the bubbling alot as well, sometimes after I eat, sometimes when I'm hungry. But then I get more of a roaring as well as pain EVERY time I have to go to the bathroom. It's my stomach/intestines way of saying go now! COuld this be it? Not sure why, I just know that everything seems to make alot more noise post-op!
   — Lezlie Y.

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