How many X a day do I take 1000 mcg. of b12 dots????

I bought some b12 cherry sugar free b 12 that disolve under your tounge. They are 1000 mcg each. How many times should I take this a day? 1 X or 2 X? I am post op 3 weeks now. Doing wonderful! minus 20 pounds!!!    — Lin E. (posted on April 12, 2003)

April 12, 2003
I have sublingual B12 drops. 1cc is equal to 1000mcg and I was told by my surgeon and nutritionist to take the B12 once every other day. Seems to be perfect because my bloodwork came out beautiful this past week! Good luck!<br> Lap-RNY 1/13/03 -100lbs & Counting!
   — thumpiez

April 12, 2003
I'd go with Christie's recommendation. When my B-12 dipped to 211 (low side of normal) at 7 months out or so, I started B-12 sublinguals (500 mcg. size, twice a day), to bring it up, 'cause I was feeling tired. Two months later, my level was up to 1300 (above normal range) -- sooo, I overshot the mark by taking 1000 mcg. a day. Now I'm taking the one 500 mcg. pill every day, to see how that goes. Just track your bloodwork from time to time, to be sure you've got the right dose (and to be sure you're not one of those folks who may wind up needing B-12 shots one day -- not everybody gets good results from the sublinguals, or keeps those good results forever). Good luck!
   — Suzy C.

April 12, 2003
Hi I take the sublingual 1000 mcg B12 from Trader Joes. They dissolve very quickly for better absorption. Anyway I take 1 pill 1 times per week. My blood levels have been excellent. Please ask your Dr. what he or she recommends. Wendi Open RNY 9/19/02 down 117lbs
   — lovemonterey

April 12, 2003
It appears that every surgeon has his own recommendation, so as always, ask your surgeon. I'm a new post-op, LAP RNY and I was instructed to take 1000mcg twice a week. I also got the Trader Joe's sublinguals. They're great! You can't even tell they're there, then "poof", they're gone! So, that's what I'll be doing till they check my bloodwork.
   — Amy A.

April 13, 2003
Do what YOUR surgeon says. I am taking 1000mcg sublingual once a week, which is what my surgeon directs. This has worked fine for his patients. When I was feeling tired and worn out early on I asked about taking it more frequently but he did not feel it was necessary. Now I have the energy I should have, most of the time. I get my 3 month labs done pretty soon so time will tell. However, my internist did some lab work at 6 weeks and everything he tested for, which I do not think included B12, was normal, including my uric acid which can become a problem because of the ketosis.
   — zoedogcbr

April 13, 2003
My nutritionist says that dosage is every other day. I take it Mon, Wed, Fri.
   — jen41766

April 14, 2003
My doctor also said that 1000s should be taken once every two days, unless the bloodwork shows something different is necessary. Personally, I use one 500 mg sublingual every day (also a permissible dose), so I don't have to remember whether I should take the pill on a particular day. My 3 month bloodwork was terrific.
   — Beth S.

April 14, 2003
My surgeon recommends b12 once a week (siblinqual dots),but I take it 3x a week, B12 is a water soluable vitamin, your body does not sotre t- it excretes what it does not use- so you can not get oo much in your system-
   — ~~Stacie~~

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