Has anyone got approved with One Health Plan (Great West Life) HMO??

   — Shannon D. (posted on April 15, 2003)

April 15, 2003
Hi ~ I was approved by One Health Plan (Great West Life). It took 12 weeks, but I was approved on my first try. I am a "lightweight" with a BMI of 40.0 and right at 100 lbs overweight, but I had elevated cholesterol and mild sleep apnea. They did make me have a psych eval., nutritionist consult, and a TSH. I had also provided my surgeon with a very detailed list of every diet I had been on for the last 10 years (probably overkill),ie. Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig,Phen Fen, Quick Weight Loss, Adkins, The Zone diet,etc. They were actually pretty easy to work with, I got the name of the nurse case mgr. and her direct number and called every couple of days to get status reports, she was always pleasant. Feel free to email me if you have any questions. Good Luck!
   — plsmom

April 15, 2003
Yes, I was approved after the first try. Took about 2 weeks. No questions asked. The girl in the office next to me she had to provide more info, but she was more of a lightweight than I was. I started at 277, she started at 260. They were a pleasure to work with, and never gave me a problem when I called. Good luck. If you need any help please feel free to email me.
   — April A.

April 15, 2003
I was wondering the same thing about this health plan. I am starting this whole process. I was wondering who your medical group was and how were they?
   — Kerri 4.

April 15, 2003
Nevermind. I just realized that we aren't from the same state. Thanks.
   — Kerri 4.

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