If we are suppose to stay away from aspirin products , what should we take?

   — Marla L. (posted on April 17, 2003)

April 17, 2003
I take tylenol (or any non asprin pain reliever) with no problem :)
   — WABBIT F.

April 17, 2003
Our surgeon only allows Tylenol (acetominophen) products for mild pain, and will prescribe Ultram (a stronger, non-narcotic pain reliever) for more severe discomfort. He does not allow any NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatories) like Motrin, Aleve, ibuprofen, etc...due to the risk of inflammation/irritation/ulcer formation along the sensitive suture/staple line of the RNY pouch. Best wishes!
   — Diana T.

April 17, 2003
My surgeon says NO aspirin, motrin, advil, Vioxx, etc. He allows Tylenol and will prescribe other pain relievers for severe pain. I take one vicodin a day for severe arthritis pain - the pain is so bad that I can't sleep and he allows me one before bedtime until I can have my knees replaced next year. I do know that he also allows Darvocet.
   — Patty_Butler

April 17, 2003
I hope that the last poster and anyone else will think twice and not take Darvocet. I never heard of that drug until Febuary when I found out that a friend of mine had been given that for pain. He was addicted to it for around 6 years. (I thought he had beat it, but he did'nt). He was taking 30-40 of them a day! He died unexpectantly on Feb 2nd. Anyway, seems that is VERY addictive. Now that I know this, I never want to even try it. (No he did'nt have WLS). I sure wish no one here would try it if they don't have to.
   — Danmark

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