Anyone familiar with exercises directed towards the epigastric pouch area?

I'm 4 months out and have gone from 268 to 189 and have these little pouches under my breasts which my surgeon referred to as "epigastric pouches". I was wondering if anyone was familiar with exercises taht target that fabulous area? Thanks! Elizabeth lap rny Dr.Foote 12-13-02 268/189    — E M. (posted on April 22, 2003)

April 23, 2003
Being that no one else has posted, I thought I would throw this out there. I'm not positive on this, but it would seem to me that if you worked your chest muscles (push-ups, bench press, flys) that you would cause the muscle under your breasts to help give you a little lift in that area, which would then take away some of the downward pressure from those little rolls. The other thought would be to do any exercise that would work the uppper abs (lots of crunches (partial and cross over), perhaps even with weights) and tighten that whole area up. Now, I'm not saying that either of these is going to remove the fat...but it may help some...and the rest will more than likely come as you continue to lose weight. Hope this helps some at least. By the way, congrats on the great weight loss!
   — eaamc

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