how long is your open rny incision

I knew my incision from my open RNY was quite long, but I have been reading that other posters with open RNY had incisions that were anywhere from 2.5 to 10 inches in length. Mine is 17.5 inches long !! It starts between my breasts and ends close to my pubic area. I didn't think too much of it until I saw others post about theirs. Anyone else been cut that far? Maybe that is why I thought I was in so much pain immediately post op when others thought it was a breeze? Theresa    — TAD B. (posted on April 23, 2003)

April 23, 2003
My incision starts under my breast bone and goes to 2 inches below my naval. I also was in a great deal of pain after surgery. But after the first two weeks I was doing pretty good. Good Luck!
   — Terrie R.

April 23, 2003
Mine is 6 inches long and about 2 inches below my breastbone.I had very little pain thru out the entire process.
   — Kathy V.

April 23, 2003
I'm one of the lucky ones. My incision is very small. Only about 5-6 inches long located below my breasts and above my belly button. I was expecting a much larger incision. Pleasantly surprised I guess. :)
   — Kim L.

April 23, 2003
10 inches starting about 1 inch below my bra.
   — garnet156

April 23, 2003
Wow, that seems quite long to me too. Did you ask your surgeon what his normal incisions run? Maybe a complication and/or scar tissue from a previous surgery? I would for sure ask, sadly in hindsight. I guess I would have to be one of the luckier ones with just short of a 4" scar. Best of luck to you!
   — spunkybear

April 23, 2003
Mine was 14 inches and since losing 94 lbs. It has shrank (looks wrinkley now) to about 11 inches...I doubt it'll shrink much more but every little bit helps.
   — cherokey55

April 23, 2003
Mine is 8 inches long. Starts under left rib and goes at a slant down towards the left. What looks funny now is that since I have been losing weight the scar is moving down further and shrinking!Yaay for loose skin...LOL
   — LoveJones B.

April 23, 2003
Mine is about 8 inches long from about 1 inch from the breat bone, on down to about 1/2 inch from belly button, how-ever the skin is loose in the mid section so I guess it looks a little smaller/shorter then that, which is good, It's my battle wound makes me aware of where I've been and where I'm going, it sort of grows on you..... Post op 11 months down 128 pounds
   — tannedtigress

April 23, 2003
Mine was 7.25 inches immediately post-op, but has shrunk down to about 5 inches. My surgeon told me he would make the smallest incision he could manage. I think it depends on they length of your torso as well. Mine starts right at my sternum and ends about 2 inches above my navel. Hearing all the awful stories of people having leaky, infected incisions, I am so grateful mine healed pretty well (although it is keloid). I guess I'd rather have a keloid scar than one that took several months to heal. I've been kind of b*tchy about my scar because of the keloid, but plan to thank my surgeon profusely this Tuesday when I see him for my year check-up. I've basically had no complications and am very grateful. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 23, 2003
My incision was 3" long, but it is now a little over 2 inches long since it healed. My surgeon specializes in smaller cuts which is one of the reasons I decided he was the man for me!!!!
   — redheadtedd

April 23, 2003
Not sure how long mine is but i know it not very long it just ges from my breastbone to top of my bellybutton dr said i did good cause most he hast to cut futher so i guess he was able to see good with were he cut me at
   — wildbrat

April 23, 2003
My surgeon specialized in smaller open RNY cuts. I measure at just under 4 inches.
   — J. W.

April 23, 2003
Mine is eight inches. But because I am short 5'" it goes from right below my breast bone to right above my pubic area. Are you tall?
   — Delores S.

April 23, 2003
Mine is 5.5", my surgeon does a modified open Rny. I even had my gall bladder out, too.
   — beetle B.

April 23, 2003
My incision is right at about 4 inches, and I also had my gullbladder taken out at the same time as surgery. But, I also had to lose weight pre-operatively so that the incision wouldn't be as large. My surgeon had told me that if you lose weight before surgery (I know this means nothing now), that it is easier to do the job and less of an incision.
   — sheri H.

April 23, 2003
This is why I thank god I was able to have the LAP/RNY.. 5 tiny scars that are already fading. I also had a very flawless surgery and recovery (thanks to great Dr.s in San Francisco) 2/24/03 LAP/RNY down 51 lbs.!
   — Kathie W.

April 23, 2003
Mine is about 4.5 inches long. Thank goodness that I have a long torso so I can still wear short shirts and it will not show. My insurance would not pay for lap. Sidney Open RNY down 80+
   — Siddy I.

April 23, 2003
I originally had a lap BPD/DS (over 2 years post-op and can't even see the little scars now!) but I needed to get an emergency open internal hernia repair. The surgeon had to re-do the intestinal portion of my BPD/DS because my common channel (last 100 cm) was totally decimated (he had to remove 3-5 feet of necrotized intestines). My incision is 6 inches but has really faded (in some places almost can't be seen). I have another friend who will get an open RNY and she said her incision should be about 3 inches. I don't know if mine was 'normal' or not because I had the incision as a result of emergency surgery, but it went from under my breast bone to below my belly button. I was at ideal weight when I had this done so the incision isn't longer because of my excess weight. All the best (Lap BPD/DS 01/24/01, Emergency internal hernia repair 11/30/02, preop: 307 lbs/bmi 43 now: 153 lbs/bmi 22)
   — Teresa N.

April 23, 2003
Mine is just about 8in. from just below brest bone to top of belly button. Every Doctor is different I guess, but mine was long enough! Good luck! 7mo post-op open rny lost 114#
   — Sandy M.

April 23, 2003
Mine is nearly as long as yours. Mine starts maybe 1-2 inches below my breasts and goes down almost to the public area. It doesn't bother me. On 3/31/03 I had an abdominoplasty--anchor incision, so now the incision isn't as long, but I also have it hip to hip. I'd rather have the scar than all the weight I had before.
   — jan M.

April 23, 2003
Original poster here. I guess I am tall for a female, 5'9". I have had several back surgeries, the last one they went through my abdomen to get to my spinal column. So I had a 13" incision then and a C Section and a gall bladder removal and several other "female" lap surgeries. I also have two incisions on my back and one 10" one on my hip where they did bone grafting from my hip to my spine. So I guess it is possible that I am a mess of scar tissue and the surgeon had to do some dodging around to get to my stomach. I was just suprised that some were able to have such short incisions...that is amazing.
   — TAD B.

April 26, 2003
Hi, my surgeon does the incision diagonally, below the left breast. mine is 7.25 in. 6-10 in. he believes these type have less hernias and pain. i,m 1 wk. post op RNY and came home on tylenol. I also derma bonded no staples or sutures on outside.
   — pam W.

April 26, 2003
It would have been nice to have a diagnal incision. My incision is 12 inches starting from about 2 inches lower than my breast bone and ending just inside my belly button.
   — kelly C.

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