First (long distance) business trip post-op, any packing suggestions?

Hi all, I'm taking a cross country business trip (to San Antonio, Texas) for a little over a week. I had a LAP RNY 2-4-03 (down 72 lbs!! Yipee! Plane ride will be extenderless!) But I'm kinda clueless about what--extra-- to take on the trip. I'll have a suite, so I have a fridge and they have a gym in my hotel (very important) so ... I'm going to take my water and my vitamins... (and I pretty much despise protein bars) but does anyone else have any suggestions? I'll have to go to a few business dinners and (drum roll please) I'll be there Cinco de Mayo week... (I actually arrive on the 5th) so no maragritas or Coronas, but any suggestions on food? Thanks much!    — Leah S. (posted on April 24, 2003)

April 24, 2003
Gas-x!! I guess you see what I'm up against! lol Don't pack anything, they have stores in Texas!
   — msmaryk

April 24, 2003
I recomend packing some Beef Jerky if you like it. It is a nice, easy source of protein to have with you on the plane and in the hotel. Better than protein bars in my opinion. Have a great trip!
   — Amber L.

April 24, 2003
I had surgery Oct23, 2002-- I had my first trip 9 weeks later--I had no problems--- just take your vitamins--everything else you can get there. The hardest thing for me was eating out--I stuck with soup---and for breakfast scrambled eggs w/cheese---
   — Marie R.

April 24, 2003
Wow- great weight loss! My one suggestion would be to being your own protein. Are you currently eatng any protein bars or shakes? I find that when I am away, it's harder to get in the required amounts of protein. SO I always make sure to bring my own bars and drinks, that way I can eat my three meals but still have extra protein on hand. It helps out alot! Goodluck to you and have fun!
   — Lezlie Y.

April 24, 2003
Everyone is right - there are stores and it's not a bad idea to take a couple of your protein bars or drinks (since specific brands can be hard to find in a new town). As for what to eat in the restaurants (this is assuming you are on a full regular diet now): soups, the guts of burritos and tacos, a taco salad minus the shell, a chef salad you chop well, refried beans (if they don't make you dump), grilled meats you like with steamed veggies, etc. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 24, 2003
I travel a lot on business and have found that carring peanuts in my purse is a handy source of food when I need a quick snack. I also pack the EAS Low Carb Protein drinks. They come in a 4 pack and are not heavy. Eating out has never been a problem for me - there is always something on the menu that we can eat. I wouldn't try anything new or *dry* while in company of others. Congrats on your weight loss!! I had surgery on 2-18-03 and have only lost 31 lbs!
   — Sandy T.

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